Spiritualise your Relationship

Yoga in daily life – Yoga in relationships. In this Yoga Podcast, Narayani and Nalini speak about how to live Yoga and  Spirituality in a longterm relationship. They share some personal experiences from their marriages and give precious insight. They don’t talk about Tantra Sex etc., but rather about developing respect and supporting each other. Nalini and Narayani are 2 female Yoga Teachers from Delhi and London – both teaching at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany from time to time.


Find your Destiny

How do I find my destiny? This is a question, many Yoga students ask again and again. What is my task in life? In this Yoga Podcast, Leela Mata tells you that you yourself are creating your destiny. The essence: Be aware that you have a higher goal in life. Strive for this goal. From this higher goal you can have smaller goals. Leela Mata gives you precious advice in a nutshell.   Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany http://my.yoga-vidya.org


Create your destiny – Leela Mata speaks

You can create your destiny – this is what Swami Sivananda states in many of his books. Leela Mata is teaching in the tradition of Swami Sivananda. In this Yoga Podcast she shows you how you can create your Karma: From Thought comes Action, from Action comes Habit, from Habit comes Character, From Character comes Destiny. Learn to overcome thought habits and unconscious impulses. Use your discrimination and thus create your destiny by thinking and acting accordingly. Leela Mata is director of Peaceful Valley Ashram Pennsylvania . This Yoga Podcast is part of an interview series of Sukadev and Leela Mata. This recording was done in Yoga Vidya Meinberg, where Leela Mata is giving seminars on the theme “How to Create your Destiny”.


How to continue with Yoga Practice on a long-term basis?

A question of many sincere Yoga students: How can you continue with your Yoga Practice for many years? How can you stay motivated? In this Yoga Podcast, Narayani and Nalini give some very personal answers. Narayani lives in London, Nalini in Delhi. These two female Yoga Masters are teaching regularly in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany . This Podcast is in English, and translated into German. It is a recording of an interview that Sukadev made with Narayani and Nalini during a Satsang afer Meditation in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.
