How to find out one’s destiny?

How do I find my destiny? What is my task in life? Leela Mata tells you that you yourself are creating your destiny. Be aware that you have a higher goal in life. From this higher goal you can have smaller goals. Leela Mata gives you precious advice in a nutshell. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany


Kriya Yoga, Sivananda Yoga and Yoga Vidya

Swami Bodhichitananda talks about how he integrates the Yoga teachings of Swami Sivananda with the Kriya Yoga Techniques. He explains that Kriya Yoga and Sivananda Yoga and the teachings of Yoga Vidya go well together. Seminars with Swami Bodhichitananda at Yoga Vidya you find here…


The Essence of the Bhakti Sutras of Narada

Short talk on the Bhakti Sutra of Narada, one of the important texts on devotion. The essence is: All Joy comes from God. Awaken the inner love and knowledge by experiencing God. The Bhakti Sutra helps to reach it. Leela Mata gives Seminars on the Yoga Sutra at Yoga Vidya Germany.
