What is Panchakarma in Ayurveda? Leela Mata answers

Ayurveda Expert Leela Mata speaks about Panchakarma. In Ayurveda, Panchakarma is one of the most efficient healing techniques. Leela Mata speaks about the benefits and gives some new insight. Leela Mata directs Peaceful Valley Ashram in Pennsylvania . The Interview took place in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany where Leela Mata is teaching every year. https://www.yoga-vidya.de/english.html


Who can practice Panchakarma

Leela Mata, Ayurveda expert, speaks about who can benefit from Panchakarma  programs, expecially in Ashrams. She talks about the special benefits to do Panchakarma in an Ashram environment with Meditation, Mantra-Chanting, Asanas and Pranayama, in a spiritual Atmosphere. Leela Mata directs Panchakarma Programs in Peaceful Valley Ashram Pennsylvania and in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany explains who can benefit from an ayurvedic Panachkarma treatment. Panachakarma can treat almost any desease but it also depends on the person and facilities. In an ashram it is not also a only Panchakarma treatment, the patients are doing also asanas, pranayama and meditation. More information referring ayurveda in general and certains treatments at http://www.yoga-vidya.org


Why should one go to a Yoga Ashram?

What are Yoga Ashrams good for? What can you expect to experience in a Yoga Ashram? Why can you make so good progress when living in an Ashram? Leela Mata, Yoga Master in Peaceful Valley Ashram Pennsylvania  speaks about the spiritual Meaning of Ashram Practice. Leela Mata gives Seminars in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany regularly http://y-v.de/leela-mata


Hatha Yoga and Mythology

What does Hatha Yoga have to do with Indian Mythology? Swami Bodhichitanandaji explains how you can dive deeper into the Hatha Yoga Asanas by knowing more about Indian Mythology. Seminars with Swami Bodhichitananda on https://www.yoga-vidya.de/nc/seminar-uebersicht/nach-seminarleiter/seminar-nach-seminarleiter/Swami-Bodhichitananda.html
