747 – Be regular with your Sadhana

We celebrate the awakening of Vishnu after four months of sleep today. Hindus worship Lord Vishnu and seek his blessings and love. Tulsi leaves and flowers are offered to Vishnu and Lakshmi. Dev Uthani Ekadashi (Ekadashi means eleven as in the eleventh day of two fortnights of the waxing and waning of the moon, in the lunar month) marks the awakening of Lord Vishnu after a four-month period of sleep. On this day, it is possible to get rid of our karmas and seek salvation. We also request Vishnu to grant us a place in his abode—Vaikunth Dham. The mantra chanted is Om Namo Bhagvata Vasudevaya, and the other mantra is the Maha mantra. Continue reading

The Meaning of Jaya Ekadashi – from Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh

In India, Ekadashi is celebrated, especially in the Vaishnava Tradition. What is the Meaning of Ekadashi? How to celebrate it? And especially: What is the meaning of Jaya Ekadasi? Live Recording of a Talk in the evening Satsang at Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh  .

This Yoga Podcast is the sound track of a Yoga Vidya
