622 – Gifts from Yoga

The list is unending of the gifts which I have received from the practice of Yoga. They are too many to enumerate. I will start with the first one. Compassion and empathy. These are words freely used by us and how many of us understand the meaning. I also found them difficult to understand. I imagined being sympathetic was enough and then after maybe shedding a tear or saying, ‘you poor thing’ forgetting about the person and the issue. Continue reading

Meaning of Patanjali Yoga Sutra

Leela Mata gives a short explanation of the meaning and purpose of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, the most import textbook of Raja Yoga and one of the most works on Yoga in general. Yoga Master Leela Mata gives seminars on the Yoga Sutra in Peaceful Valley Ashram Pennsylvania and in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany
