529 – Lifelong Celebration of Easter with Sadhana

Give your full attention to whatever you are doing and recognize the constant renewal of life all around you. Appreciate the beauty and spiritual radiance in people. Open your heart with compassion and accept people as they are. Lastly leave the past to God’s mercy, the future to his discretion. Live in the present with awareness and empathy. In your heart resides your soul. Let us make this our life long celebration of Easter. Continue reading

512 – Satyananda Yoga

In Satyananda Yoga Asana and Pranayama are the first and second steps. These steps give one an understanding of annamaya kosha, the experience of matter and pranayama kosha, the experience of energy. The balancing of matter and energy is enabled through the practice of asanas and pranayama the third and fourth step, the practice of pratyahara and dharana are taught, in order to make the mind one pointed. Continue reading

508 – Maha Shivaratri

Maha Shivaratri will be celebrated on the 18th of February 2023. Why do we celebrate this festival? Maha Shivaratri is known as the “Great Night of Lord Shiva”. It is considered one of the most important Hindu festivals. The meaning of Shiva is auspiciousness and prosperity—bestowing principle. Shiva controls the cycle of birth and death. He is responsible for the creation of languages, art, dance, music, yoga, ayurveda and herbal medicines. Continue reading

505 – Who is perfect?

We are all perfect and with perfection comes imperfection. I know this is like a riddle my dear ones. Pause and think.

Is anyone of us an ideal person?
Are we faultless?
Are we outstanding all the time?
Are we always impeccable in our behavior?
Are we adept at everything we do?
And the list goes on… Continue reading

498 – Power over your mind?

Might is right. Who is mighty? Mighty is a person who is more powerful and stronger than us. They are people who can go unchallenged even if their action is in fact unjustified. Woe betides anyone who questioned them. I have observed this in the confrontations which happen in my balcony. I love cats; however, I stopped keeping cats as my cats became like dogs. Since we always had a dog, our cats came later, and they would follow us on our walks. Outcome was our cats were killed by strays. They became fearless. Now we have cats visiting us on our balcony and they are wild. Continue reading

410 – Above awareness is Samadhi

Do we understand the meaning of this word? It is used so liberally and also in fun. In India, while growing up, as children we would describe an inattentive person as being in samadhi. The actual meaning is the culmination of Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga. Continue reading

409 – Two Brothers

Karma and Yoga are brothers. When they unite, they form a very powerful relationship. Through this relationship it is possible to lead a spiritual life for an ordinary individual. None of us can avoid the actions of our karma. It is not the objective of Yoga to send us on a road, where one neglects one’s karma in the form of our daily responsibilities and duties. Continue reading

363 – How can I achieve mental stability, quickly?

According to my Guru, keep aside ten minutes for meditation every morning. Decide where you want to fix your mind. Do you want to fix it on a candle flame, or a Yantra? Be only aware of that and nothing else. When the mind is concentrated and one pointed even for a second, then one undergoes a wonderful experience. Continue reading

349 – Our dormant potential

How do we awaken our potential? One of the major tools is Yoga, which unfolds our different levels of awareness, which are buried deep in our unconscious. Each one of us is blessed with it. We have to learn to awaken it and harness it. It then turns into prana and from there into power and vidya (knowledge). Continue reading

343 – How can I discipline myself?

We all want to be self-disciplined, and we wish to remain like that. It is not easy, because our understanding of the word discipline is often a misunderstanding. We think by following a pattern, we are engaged in a joyless life. Indisciplined kids, has been used to describe many of us as children and it meant that we should be punished. Continue reading