Chidakasha is the space behind your eyebrow centre. It is the centre of your past, present and future memories. Dharana means concentration and the sadhana is concentrating on the space between the brows.
Chant Aum seven times, loudly. Next practice breath awareness. Concentrate on inhalation, visualize the prana in the breath, pause and then concentrate on the exhalation. Chant Soham and count breath backwards from 54. No errors. Now visualize the breath going in through both nostrils and meeting at the eyebrow centre, and descending from the eyebrow centre through both nostrils.
This is triangular breathing, and it clears the sushumna nadi, through which the prana flows. 27 times, counting backwards. Now gaze in the space behind the eyebrow centre. Try to see the colour, crimson, which is the colour of the mooladhara chakra. No effort is required. You may see no colour or you may see shades of red. You may see a crimson rose.
Whatever you see, do not engage with it. Change to the colour vermillion. Vermillion is the colour of the swadhisthana chakra. Vermillion is dark orange mixed with red. Our temples are daubed with it. Ganesha is smeared with it. Focus on it. You may see an orange deity, a priest or a temple. Stay with what you see and gaze at the colour. Now change to yellow.
Yellow is the colour of the manipura chakra and see shades of yellow. You may see the sun, sunflower, or a yellow sweet. Look at it. No memories to come into play. Just the colour, it may have many shades.
Now change to blue. Blue is the colour of the anahata chakra. Maybe you see a blue sky, sea, pond, or Krishna. Any shade of blue can be looked at. Now change to violet. Violet is the colour of Visshuddhi chakra. Gaze at violet. Shades of violet, flowers, clouds. Change to silver. Silver is the colour of the ajna chakra. Gaze at the colour, moonlight, jewellery, neon. All these colours have associations images and memories.
You can visualize the associations but no interaction. It is like watching a video. The colours of the chakras are given so that your awareness of the chakras is heightened. Sometimes, one cannot see any colours and the chidakasha is a void. Occasionally it can be sweeping with colours. What one is doing here is concentrating on what one sees without interplay with our thoughts.
Chidakasha dharana is a very powerful sadhana for creativity. Children enjoy doing it and it quietens and energises them. The practice is ended with practicing triangular breathing 11 times. Chanting Aum seven times.
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash
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