Give your full attention to whatever you are doing and recognize the constant renewal of life all around you. Appreciate the beauty and spiritual radiance in people. Open your heart with compassion and accept people as they are. Lastly leave the past to God’s mercy, the future to his discretion. Live in the present with awareness and empathy. In your heart resides your soul. Let us make this our life long celebration of Easter.
Yoga means expansion and liberation and balance and harmony. So then why do we have so many problems when one of us in a family practices Yoga. The reason for this is that one is only thinking about oneself. It goes like this, I am doing my sadhana daily, and look at them, they have no discipline in their lives. I fast and I chant. They have no respect when I am chanting, and when I am meditating, loud music is played. Sounds familiar.
I have been through this when I started my sadhana. I felt very superior and I would get very angry, when my sons made a noise, when I was performing my Kriyas. Believe me, they were playing robbers and police, letting off fire crackers and whatever else children do. I would be so angry and grumpy. Then one day I realized that something was wrong with me. I was the intolerant one, who was thinking only about myself. I then became more relaxed and accepted all the noises surrounding me.
Unlike many people, I did not have the privilege of practicing at a fixed time. I tried but it never worked out. I had so many other tasks I then practiced when I could. It was very effective and I became calmer and so did my sons and my pets. My Guru always said that the practice of Yoga was for householders.
Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. – John 4:20.
We have to be sincere in our sadhana of celebrating Easter, which means honesty in every act and to be genuine.
Love, serve and give.
Aim Hrim Klim