717 – Sankalp and Abhyas

Fasting is a Yogic practice. It reduces the tamasic element in the body. Tamas is the greatest obstacle to meditation. While fasting, one sheds extra weight from the body and gains strength and clarity of mind. One cannot advance in the practice of Meditation, with an unhealthy body and weak mind.

According to my Guru, fasting must be looked upon as an independent yoga. Fasting is also withdrawing from one’s senses initially. It is essential to not permit one’s senses to strike an internal conversation. This is pratyahara, which is very important step of meditation. When fasting is included also, then one is addressing appetite. Appetite has to be simplified and this again applies to all appetites.

The inner light is always burning brightly, but what happens is that it is flickering madly. It is affected by the turbulence of passions. So, what is the next step. It is like having a candle burning in the middle of the room, with all the windows open. The flame is swaying until, one awakens and shuts the windows. Then the light is pure and straight. Until our consciousness stabilizes, we cannot illumine our inner awareness. So, one learns to curb one’s desires, and this done by the spontaneous practice of breath awareness.

The practice of Ajapa japa

One closes one’s eyes. Becomes aware of one’s breath. It is normal breathing. Then one becomes aware of the prana in the breath. Now count backwards from 27 to 0. 27 I am breathing out, 27 I am breathing in, until the end. Now add So to inhalation and Ham to exhalation. When you inhale, visualize the breath rising from the navel to the throat and when you exhale, visualize the breath descending from the throat to the navel. Practice for twenty minutes for two weeks. Then visualize the breath as a silver light, rising from the navel to the throat and descending as a silver light from the throat to the navel. Twenty minutes. This practice is called Ajapa japa, chanting from the heart. Ajapa Japa reduces one’s rajas.

One must use a mala for chanting the mantra 1080 times. It is a sadhana which is as essential as brushing one’s teeth daily. It enables one to quieten the mind.

Trataka is another practice, which is very powerful for silencing the thoughts. It is gazing at a lit lamp or candle, unblinking for as long as possible. Then one closes one’s eyes and watches the flame in the center of the eyebrow center, until it fades away. Twenty minutes and it can be combined with Samvrit pranayama. Inhalation—pause—exhalation—pause. Add counting and mantra to it. Remember always count backwards.

The essence is the Sankalp (resolve) of Abhyas (repeated daily effort).

Aim Hrim Klim


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