The birth of Krishna occurred to restore cosmic order in the universe. Janmashtami means celebrating the birth (janma) of Krishna on the eight (Ashtami) day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada (August – September) Janmashtami represents the triumph of good over evil and the restoration of Dharma. The evil king Kansa and his allies were defeated. Krishna is seen as symbol of love, righteousness and divinity. Continue reading
Author Archives: Dr. Nalini
980 – Do I accept myself?
Swami Satyananda Saraswati said that one must accept oneself as one was. ‘An important step in yoga is to accept your nature as much as you’re able.’ He spoke a lot on self-acceptance and the reason is that acceptance of self is crucial to yoga and tantra. Tantra is called the way to acceptance. Continue reading
979 – The Cloud which fell in love
Meghadhuta (Cloud Messenger) was written by Kalidasa in the fourth century CE. This portrays an exiled Yaksha (a benevolent nature spirit) and a cloud, which was perched on a peak. He asks the cloud to take a message of love to his wife in the Himalayan city of Alaka. The Yaksha then describes what the cloud would see. Continue reading
978 – Make the lotus in my heart bloom
Hridaya Kamalam Kolam (lotus in the heart) is a hand drawn yantra for Goddess Lakshmi. Kolams are ancient symbols meant to be sacred welcoming areas for the Hindu deities. Kolam means beauty and are identified by their geometrical patterns, dots, curves and lines often marked by the use of white wheat flour. Continue reading
977 – Think and laugh or laugh and think
Read aloud to kids. Continue reading
976 – Beauty in Life
Dear ones, are we aware of the beauty around us? Are we so involved with ourselves? Do we miss the beauty of each new day? Continue reading
975 – Home to home
I am back from Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg after being away from my home in New Delhi. I have been coming for the last twenty-two years to teach. The first time I came, on my departure, when the sewikas gathered in a circle to sing Om Trayambakam for my safe travel back, I started crying. I felt that I was leaving my mother’s home. Continue reading
974 – Sunset and Star
Dear ones, read and pause.
I send two sunsets –
Day and I – in competition ran –
I finished two – and several Stars –
While He – was making One –
His own was ampler – but as I
Was saying to a friend –
Mine is the more convenient
To carry in the Hand. – I send two sunsets: Emily Dickinson.
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973 – The Grandmother Goddess
Dhumavati is the oldest Goddess, and she is the granny Goddess. She stands behind the other Goddesses as their ancient guide. She gives the lessons on birth and death. She is the knowledge which comes to us from the difficult experiences we undergo. Continue reading
972 – What is our consciousness beyond the mind?
Her hands have no arms; her mouth has no face. She is the eyes of the blind, Mother Prachanda Chandika.
Without hands she fashions, she knows without a mind, without an eye she sees, Mother Prachanda Chandika.
She is the supreme hand of the hand, the wonderful consciousness of the mind, the eye, that is the origin of the eye, Mother Prachanda Chandika.
Though her head is cut off, she is the support of life. Though she is frightening in appearance, she is the giver of peace. Though a maiden she increases our vigor, Mother Prachanda Chandika. – Ganapati Muni, Prachanda Chandika-9-11,14.
It is the Goddess Chinnamasta, the consciousness beyond the mind. Her Sanskrit name, comprised of Chinna (meaning severed), masta (head) and Vajrayyogini (a Buddhist goddess) highlights her unique nature. She is the headless Vajrayyogini symbolizes self-sacrifice, transformation, and the transcendence of ego. She is connected with the fierce aspect of the Goddess Devi. Continue reading
971 – Queen of the universe
Bhuvaneshwari means Queen of the universe or realm of being (Bhuvana). All the universe is her body and all beings are ornaments on her infinite being. She carries all the worlds as a flowering of her own Self–nature. Continue reading
970 – Who resides in my heart?
Be victorious Goddess who destroys all passions! Be victorious, Goddess you who remove the afflictions of all beings! Be victorious, Goddess who pervades all. As the dark night of time, reverence to You. – Mahatmya, Argala Strotra – 2 Markandeya Purana
969 – River Ganga worship
The Ganga is considered a tirtha, which means a crossing point between heaven and earth. At a tirtha, prayers and offerings are thought most likely to reach the gods and their blessings descend readily from heaven. Continue reading
968 – What is Samadhi?
Samadhi is the awareness already existing in us. Samadhi is absolute equilibrium. The state of samadhi includes all dimensions of awareness, external and internal awareness. They both have to be experienced simultaneously. In the practice of meditation, one transcends the external experience, but one has to reach out to the external consciousness. In samadhi the mind, the self, the spirit becomes homogenous, and for that spirit, for that consciousness, which is samadhi, both internal and external awareness are the same. – Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Dear ones, what is the path for us? Sadhana and becoming aware of the pause between our ingoing and outgoing breath.
Aim Hrim Klim
967 – Bhairavi – The Warrior Goddess
She who has the color of the fire, effulgent with the power of Tapas blazing, the one who is desired in the fruits of all actions, I take refuge in her, the goddess Durga. Reverence to the wonderful savioress for all our deliverance.
Fire, deliver us anew, across all difficulties to wellbeing. Be a wide, vast and abundance city for all the progeny of our creative work.
Fire, Knower of all births as a ship across the sea, deliver us across all difficulties. Like the Sun, chanting with the mind, awaken as the protector of our being.
Mahanarayana Upanishad. Durga Sukta 2-4. Continue reading