141 – We are created from the Tattwas

The universe originated from the Tattwas (elements) Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. And we are created from the elements. The elements within us influence our auditory, tactile, visual, gustatory, and olfactory senses. When we take to the practice of Yoga, we are looking at how to remain okay. Literally most of us who start our practice have this as our objective. Continue reading

127 – In the garden of our heart and mind

When you are asked to close your eyes and visualize a garden. What do you see? Pause and enjoy what you see. Is it dusk or dawn? Are you in summer or winter? Are the birds singing and is the fragrance of the flowers everywhere. Is it a winter garden? Is it covered in snow and the purity of the snow is blinding? Is there a pond there? Does it have fish, ducks, or swans? What is the light like? What is the colour of the sky? Or are you in a desert and there is sand everywhere? Or is it a place where everything is dead and barren? What is the state of your mind? Continue reading

108 – Our two-faced heart

Swami Niranjanananda describes our heart as being two sided. I like to call it two-faced. And of course, he knows best. The left compartment is the physical heart and the right compartment is the spiritual heart. The left chamber’s functioning is responsible for the circulation and the right chamber is responsible for the circulation of our feelings and emotions (bhava). It is our bhava which connects us to the universe. Continue reading

028 – Feelings and how they are effecting us

I am writing about feelings and how they are effecting us in these times of Covid, Talibanisation of Afghanistan, killing of the dolphins in the Fargo islands, heat waves, fires and floods. We are all under stress and as a result we are becoming intolerant, suspicious and sad. Continue reading

005 – Skin breath

Breathe through the pores of your skin and remember that the skin covers our entire body. Focus on the in going breath, entering the pores and then the cells. Each and every cell is being nourished by the prana in the breath. A deep exhalation and visualise the toxins and carbon-dioxide being being expelled through the cells, and then through the pores.
Practice 54 times and the counting has to start backwards. No errors otherwise you start again.
Feel the change in yourself.