912 – How attentive are we when we listen to a story?

Give it a thought. There are stories and stories. Some make us laugh, some make us sad, and some make us angry. Do we ever think about what some of the stories are telling us. Remember I wrote about Sphota, a revelation, which happens to the hearer. This word hearer is a strange word, we are accustomed to listener. Continue reading

873 – Hearken

Through your ears to hear, to listen and to understand
Is to make gold of grain and golden grain of sand.
Only when what’s to be got from listening has been got
May one turn to what from eating may be brought.
Offerings turn stone to Gods
Listening makes humans of gastropods.
Learn by listening if from reading you cannot
That’ll be the staff from which your grip on life is got.

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685 – The essence of magic in Sadhana

Magic is life. Where there is magic, there is life, the two cannot be separated. They shadow each other’s nature, reflect each other faces, centers and moods. The echoes of a word shouted in anger, the warmth left behind by the touch of skin, the traceries of breath, these are all lingering concepts we loosely define as ‘magic’. Continue reading

680 – Guardians of the Kingdom of Moksha

How does one enter this Kingdom of Moksha? It is a place of peace, freedom and liberation. Peace of mind and everyone else is also at peace. There are no discordant sounds, thoughts or ideas. One has become thoughtless, free of thoughts. Freedom comes from being free of fear. If one has no fears then one is free. One has no anxiety about any thing and no event or trauma rears its ugly head ever again. Liberation results from being free of fears and doubts. So how does one reach this kingdom. Continue reading

654 – A Hindu Ashram

Traditionally a Hindu Ashram is where the Guru lives with her/his family. People visit the Ashram to seek guidance and spiritual wisdom. Ashrams were founded as Hindu hermitages or places of seclusion. Ashrams play a very important role in Hindu culture. They are centers of spirituality and self-development and self-awareness. Continue reading

616 – The spell of time

We are all fascinated by time and now it has become so important for us. Let me start with Face Time, Zoom time, Amazon Delivery time and so on. All these times are very important part of our lives, especially Amazon Fresh, which delivers organic vegetables, and you have to give them the time when they can come.

A minute goes by so fearfully quick; you might as well snatch a Bandersnatch! – Lewis Carroll

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592 – Words with D and E

The effect of words beginning with D and E on us, is extraordinary. I will discuss D words first and then E words.

D words

Despair, desperation, depression, despondency, disgrace, distress, dumps, disconsolation, dispirited, devilish, dolefulness distraught, dismay, discouragement, demoralization, defeatism, disheartenment, dejection. Continue reading

543 – Triumph over the Gunas during Navratri


During the 9 days of worship of the Mother Goddess, the triumph of the divine feminine trinity of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi occurs. In the course of this festival of Mother worship, respect is shown to young girls, married women, young learned boys, elephants and cows. Navratri represents the internal conquest of negativity. Continue reading

The conscious principle – Vedanta, Self Growth and Self Discovery with Swami Nityabodhananda

Talk 4 of Swami Nityabodhananda at Yoga Vidya Center in Cologne, Sept 2019.

The conscious principle. All is in me. Consciousness and objects. One or several teachers. Path of action and path of renunciation.

Visit Yoga Vidya for more inspiring talks and spiritual community.

One gramm of praxis is more than tons of theory. Practice Yoga!


Human pursuits – Vedanta, Self Growth and Self Discovery with Swami Nityabodhananda

Talk 3 of Swami Nityabodhananda at Yoga Vidya Center in Cologne, Sept 2019.
Question and answers. Human pursuits. Roles in life and attitudes. Need for a teacher. Self inquiry. Vedanta and you are that. The tenth man. Sadhana.

Visit Yoga Vidya for more inspiring talks and spiritual community.

One gramm of praxis is more than tons of theory. Practice Yoga!


Karma Yoga and Devotion – Vedanta, Self Growth and Self Discovery with Swami Nityabodhananda

Talk 2 of Swami Nityabodhananda at Yoga Vidya Center in Cologne, Sept 2019.
Subject: Karma Yoga and results of actions. Prasadam. Attitude of Devotion to Ishvara. Roles in life. Vers 2:51 Bhagavad Gita. Clarity of purpose. Atma and body. Substance and form.

Visit Yoga Vidya for more inspiring talks and spiritual community.

One gramm of praxis is more than tons of theory. Practice Yoga.
