How do flower colors influence us? There are different interpretations for colors.
White flowers are associated with weddings and funerals. In China the white blossom of the orange tree is the traditional wedding flower. The orange blossom flower is also used in the wedding bouquet and crown in Italy and Spain. The orange blossom flower is singled out because the orange tree bears flowers and fruits at the same time.
Red roses are associated with deep love.
Orange and yellow flowers indicate joy and prosperity in Hinduism. Yellow flowers in Peru, Mexico, Chile and Russia represent hatred, grieving and contempt. In Iran yellow flowers represent a declaration of war and the recipient is considered an enemy who is wished to be dead. In Germany gifting yellow roses to a married woman means that one is attracted to her. In the US, yellow flowers mean that I miss you.
Purple and yellow flowers are used in funerals in Bolivia and in Mexico and Brazil for the joyous Day of the Dead festivities. The Aztecs believed that their ancestors needed the vibrant colors and scents to find their way back on this day.
In Austria, red and white flowers are to be avoided as they represent blood and bandages.
In the Bhagwad Gita flowers are symbolic of the connection between the divine and earthly realm and represent the universe’s grandeur. Seven flowers are mentioned.
- Jasmine a symbol of purity and love.
- Lotus a metaphor for spiritual development, which represents purity and detachment.
- Marigold a flower that guided people towards deeper truths.
- Tulsi, holy basil used to worship Lakshmi and Vishnu. It signifies selfless devotion.
- Ashoka Flower symbolizes joy and spiritual enlightenment.
- Red Hibiscus is offered to the Goddess. It represents sacrifice to Kali.
- Parijat the night flowering jasmine which represents divine favor and eternal life.
Aim Hrim Klim