The shakti of Mantra chanting

A tonoscope is a device that helps to make sound visible by displaying vibrations. This phenomenon known as cymatics happens when sound frequencies are driven through inert powders. Meaning of cymatics is the study of wave phenomena, especially sound and their visual representations. Simply explained it is the sound of visualizing audio frequencies. It is an acoustic instrument for enabling a singer or player to see instantly any deviation from proper pitch of the tone being produced.

“Cymatics spirituality” refers to the concept that sound vibrations as studied in the science of cymatics can have a profound impact on our spiritual wellbeing by influencing our consciousness and energy field with the idea that different frequencies can create different states of mind and promote harmony within oneself and with the environment; essentially, viewing sound as a tool for spiritual development and connections to a higher power.

Symbol of Shakti

According to Swami Niranjananda, Mantra and Yantra go together as it is the mantra that creates the Yantra. Chanting OM in front of the tonoscope creates an image of the Sri Yantra.The Sri Yantra is a symbol of Shakti and Om is the universal cosmic sound. Om is the vedic mantra and Hrim is a tantric mantra. Both mean Ishwar.

When chanting Om or Hrim the same purpose is fulfilled. Om is the primordial sound representing creation which pervades the entire universe. Om is the first emanation of Shakti Tattwa in space. In this way mantras can create an impression, an image in the mind, which is known as a yantra. When chanting a mantra, prana flows through our nadis and the channels are unblocked. The circuit of prana creates a yantra.

Therefore, the body and mind experience the power of the mantra. Then a subtle effect overtakes one, agitation subsides, one becomes tranquil. And a pranic yantra is created. The field of the yantra surrounds the whole body and nourishes and protects it.

Aim Hrim Klim


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