What is the meaning of visualization? The gross meaning is to anticipate, envision or create. There is a spiritual meaning of visualization and that is the practice we are seeking. How can we develop visualization? It is a question asked so many times of Gurus. Yet it is a word used so frequently by us in our daily life. In the context of Yoga sadhana, Swamiji answered this question.
When one sees a lotus or an animal, one sees in the depth of one’s meditation, it is nothing but one’s own consciousness. When one’s consciousness or awareness becomes completely purified, then the image is crystal clear. When one closes one’s eyes then one sees the rose as clearly as one sees it in the garden. It is necessary to see images as clearly as one sees them visually.
This happens when the difference between external and internal perception disappears. One’s thoughts are mirrored and become transparent, then one can see the rose within as one sees it externally. Until this happens, there is no clarity and a barrier exists between you and the rose. When the mind becomes pure, distractions decrease and this leads to the mind becoming one pointed. There is no need for repair, detachment occurs and meditation happens.
We can perform a daily sadhana
Select an object, mandala or yantra.
Chant Aum three times.
Be comfortable in the pose, you are using. Be still. Be aware of your spontaneous natural breath. Visualize the breath as going in through both nostrils and meeting at the eyebrow center and emerging from the eyebrow center through both nostrils. Practice 27 to 54 times, counting backwards. No errors in the counting. You will have to start from the beginning if there is an error. Open your eyes and gaze at the object. Then close your eyes and try to recall it as you saw it.
Chant Aum three times. End the practice.
Aim Hrim Klim