Love and loveless
The human frame will be an empty shell
If the soul within is lonely and unwell.If the soul is clothed in flesh that feels both soft and rough
It is to get a sense of what it means to love.The life lived in love is a gainer full twice over
On earth in joy and then in heaven’s clover.
Quotes from Tirukkural
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others. – Mahatma Gandhi
Service as a path to divinity. Service is not just helping others in a superficial way but about recognizing the divine presence in every human being and serving that divinity. – Swami Satyananda Saraswati
What’s given to the needy is given from one’s giving purse
What’s given otherwise is commerce.Wretched is he who must for his food go begging
But wretched more who behind closed doors sits begging. – Quotes from the Tirukkural
Love, serve and give is the principle to follow.
Aim Hrim Klim
Picture by Unknown Author – Public domain