993 – How to get the better of Karma?

Everyone uses the word karma freely, flippantly and frankly. What does Karma mean? It means that every emotion, thought and action have a consequence.

Sri Yukteswar

The vanished lives of all are filled with many shames. Therefore, do not judge.

Beings with unredeemed earthly karma are not permitted after astral death to go to the high causal sphere of cosmic ideas but must shuttle to and fro from the physical and astral worlds. Continue reading

992 – Elephants speak

It is fabled that elephants are very wise creatures. Now to add to this fable, research is proving that elephants speak to each other. Their calls can be differentiated from as to whether they are speaking to each other in a family group or in a group of male elephants. It can also be made out whether they are calm or agitated. They are capable of vocal limitation and they learn from each other. Each family has a specific dialect which can be recognized in terms of an individual belonging to a family. Also, each individual has a different tone. Continue reading

987 – Why Saffron?

Saffron is composed of shades of golden-yellow and orange. It is the most sacred color for Hindus. It represents the fire (Agni) which burns the impurities and cleanses itself in the process. It is red in the bottom; the middle is yellow and the top is orange and symbolizes purity, wisdom and the quest for light—sages and ascetics who have renounced the world dress in saffron. Saffron is the color of the sunset and sunrise, which symbolize sacrifice, light and the search for salvation. Shiva loves saffron. Continue reading

986 – Enjoy your lucky color

I read this article, dear ones and I thought that I would share it with all of you. I am not going to be original; I will write it as it is.

If you are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month, your lucky color is red. You are dynamic, ambitious and passionate. You are a leader. Wear red, when you want to be dynamic. Continue reading

985 – Star light, star bright

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish, I wish tonight.

We have always been enchanted by stars. The Phoenicians looked to the sun’s movement across the heaven to tell them their direction. Stars since ancient times are described as forever hope, destiny, heaven and freedom. We also believe that seeing a falling star will fulfill our wishes. One has to wish immediately, because a falling star disappears in seconds. Continue reading

984 – Why is Friday an auspicious day for Hindus?

Friday is the auspicious day for the major Goddesses such as Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati. It is considered a day of feminine Shakti. Sukra, is the Sanskrit word for brightness and clearness. It is the name of the son of Bhrigu and Khyati (incarnation of Lakshmi) and the preceptor of the Daityas (Devas) and the Guru of the Asuras. Continue reading

983 – Power of the Mantras


Mantras are not the name of a god; it is not a holy word or part of a hymn. It is not a tool for concentration. It is a vehicle for expansion and liberation of the mind and energy. – Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Each Vedic mantra has four centers.

  1. Rishi who composes the mantra.
  2. Devata who, inspires the mantra.
  3. Swar, method of utterance of the mantra.
  4. Chhand, the meter of the mantra producing the desired sound.

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982 – Krishna, the Nimitta Avatar

The scriptures describe two kinds of avatars, Nimitta and Nitya. The Nimitta and Nitya are manifestations of avatars of God. Nimitta avatars refer to the ten appearances of Vishnu (Buddha, Kalki yet to come). Krishna, is a Nimitta avatar, who was born to rid society of evildoers. Nitya avatars are the brahmanishtha (one who has realised Brahman, the Supreme personality of Godhead) sages. Continue reading

981 – Celebration of Krishna’s birth

The birth of Krishna occurred to restore cosmic order in the universe. Janmashtami means celebrating the birth (janma) of Krishna on the eight (Ashtami) day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada (August – September) Janmashtami represents the triumph of good over evil and the restoration of Dharma. The evil king Kansa and his allies were defeated. Krishna is seen as symbol of love, righteousness and divinity. Continue reading

980 – Do I accept myself?

Swami Satyananda Saraswati said that one must accept oneself as one was. ‘An important step in yoga is to accept your nature as much as you’re able.’ He spoke a lot on self-acceptance and the reason is that acceptance of self is crucial to yoga and tantra. Tantra is called the way to acceptance. Continue reading

979 – The Cloud which fell in love

Meghadhuta (Cloud Messenger) was written by Kalidasa in the fourth century CE. This portrays an exiled Yaksha (a benevolent nature spirit) and a cloud, which was perched on a peak. He asks the cloud to take a message of love to his wife in the Himalayan city of Alaka. The Yaksha then describes what the cloud would see. Continue reading