Can I control my Kite?

The mind is like the wind. You’re trying to stop the wind, dressed as a kite. How are you going to do it? – Mooji

If I can control my kite, I can control my thoughts through my Prana.

How to connect with Prana?

Close your eyes. Become aware of the breath, flowing in and out of the nostrils. Become aware of the Prana, the life force in your breath. Start counting backwards from 54 to 0. Make no mistakes. Be centered on the Prana, visualize it as a light going in and out of the nostrils.

Whisper your intentions into the Prana when you exhale, releasing them to the universe. You can also tie small pieces of paper with your wishes to a tree and let the wind carry them away. When your wish is fulfilled, you can open any paper.

Hanuman is the Lord of Prana and he is the son of the Pawan, the God of Wind. When our Prana is purified, our mind becomes steady and free from thoughts. We pray to Hanuman for steadfastness and dedication.

Aim Hrim Klim


Merging of the Sangam and the union of Shiva Shakti

Our 72,000 nadis are the network for the prana. We have three nadis through which we operate as it would be too confusing to try and work with all of them or a few. We choose Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi for awakening the Kundalini and merging of Shiva Shakti.

We address Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati as the most sacred rivers. We believe that whatever flows into the sacred rivers, emerges purified and cleansed. Continue reading

Sacred Rivers

Rivers are considered sacred in Hinduism and are core of the faith. It is believed that one’s sins are washed away in the river as it is always flowing. The spiritual and practical significances are many. Many rivers are personified as Goddesses. Therefore, bathing in them is considered to be cleansed of one’s sins. The water of the rivers is used in rituals, and it represents the concept of purity and cleanliness.

There are seven rivers considered sacred, and they are called the Saptanadi. They are Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu/Indus, and Kaveri. Continue reading

Perception of ambition

Ambition is insanity. It shows that you are not at ease with yourself, you are not at home. Ambition shows that now you want others to know you are great. That is just to hide your smallness. – Osho

Dear Ones, do we feel like this. We are all motivated by our desire, which overcomes us and causes discomfort. We are seeking acceptance from others, because we feel that we are insignificant. Continue reading

Ramana Maharshi’s wise words

Fasting should be chiefly mental. Mere abstinence from food will do no good, it will even upset the mind. Spiritual unfoldment will come rather by regulating eating. What is the purpose of fasting? When fasting, one’s senses become subdued. Then the mind becomes non vacillating. The most important thing is to control the mind. Where is the mind? Where is the body? Where is the Jiva? It is all in the self. Food does not make up one’s thoughts. The very fasting of determinations, doubts and thoughts alone would control the mind. If one understands the self all food controls are unnecessary. – Ramana Maharshi

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The color code in Fengshui and Hinduism

In Fengshui there are four colors which are regarded as powerful. They attract wealth and abundance, and they are purple, deep blues, gold and dark greens.

Purple is associated with spirituality and one’s interior life. It is also associated with material possessions. It is believed that if we feel complete, we will send that energy out into the world and riches will begin to find their way to us. Continue reading

Shiva on my lips and Devi in my mind

Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing? Are you willing to be made nothing? Dipped into oblivion? If not, you will never change. – DH Lawrence

Let me Roam.
With nothing on the body
And with nothing in my hands
Let me roam on the bank of the Ganga
With the name of Shiva on my lips
And the thought of Devi and Durga in my mind
Let me even know that I exist,
And when I die
I will not know that I am dying. – Swami Satyananda

Swami Sivananda ‘s directive to Swami Satyananda:

We are instruments, we are mediums. We have to love everybody without passion and attachment. We have to serve everybody without expectation. We have to love God without asking anything from him. The purpose of our spiritual life is to have a vision of the Divine. God has given us everything; we did not ask for it, yet he has given to you everything without you asking for Him.

Dear Ones, three sayings are given. Please read them and take anything from them. If you just follow even one word like without attachment, or ask for nothing, you will be free.

Aim Hrim Klim


The true meaning of visualization

What is the meaning of visualization? The gross meaning is to anticipate, envision or create. There is a spiritual meaning of visualization and that is the practice we are seeking. How can we develop visualization? It is a question asked so many times of Gurus. Yet it is a word used so frequently by us in our daily life. In the context of Yoga sadhana, Swamiji answered this question. Continue reading