Ramana Maharshi’s wise words

Fasting should be chiefly mental. Mere abstinence from food will do no good, it will even upset the mind. Spiritual unfoldment will come rather by regulating eating. What is the purpose of fasting? When fasting, one’s senses become subdued. Then the mind becomes non vacillating. The most important thing is to control the mind. Where is the mind? Where is the body? Where is the Jiva? It is all in the self. Food does not make up one’s thoughts. The very fasting of determinations, doubts and thoughts alone would control the mind. If one understands the self all food controls are unnecessary. – Ramana Maharshi

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Shiva on my lips and Devi in my mind

Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing? Are you willing to be made nothing? Dipped into oblivion? If not, you will never change. – DH Lawrence

Let me Roam.
With nothing on the body
And with nothing in my hands
Let me roam on the bank of the Ganga
With the name of Shiva on my lips
And the thought of Devi and Durga in my mind
Let me even know that I exist,
And when I die
I will not know that I am dying. – Swami Satyananda

Swami Sivananda ‘s directive to Swami Satyananda:

We are instruments, we are mediums. We have to love everybody without passion and attachment. We have to serve everybody without expectation. We have to love God without asking anything from him. The purpose of our spiritual life is to have a vision of the Divine. God has given us everything; we did not ask for it, yet he has given to you everything without you asking for Him.

Dear Ones, three sayings are given. Please read them and take anything from them. If you just follow even one word like without attachment, or ask for nothing, you will be free.

Aim Hrim Klim


Must I understand about friendship?

We can read as much as we like about friendship and imagine that we have plenty of friends. However, when one is introspective and aware, then does one understand what friendship means. A few famous quotes for you to comprehend the true meaning of friendship. Yoga Sadhana enables us to appreciate what true friendship is.

The only way to have a friend is to be one. Continue reading

Perfect Health

What is perfection? Perfection is to be without flaws. It is a state in which everything is correct.

Are we perfect?

Yes, we are my dear ones. We have been created by the cosmic Mother and when we are born, there is no imperfection in us. We follow examples set by our parents, our teachers, our mentors and our Gurus. It is important for us to understand that those of us who are in the role of parent, partner, teacher, friend, boss and Guru to set an example. Continue reading

The mirror of our mind

Many of you are familiar with the German word, Innenwelt, which refers to the ‘inner world’. The inner world is the mental experience of the inner self which accompanies I. It can also be described as a mirror of oneself. It is a complicated and complex meaning and it manifests itself in one’s dreams. Continue reading