Perform Dandwat Pranam

And remove your fears.

Dandwat Pranam is where devotees bow to the God and surrender themselves, in abject humility. It is said that when we perform this pranam, our fears are banished.

Fear is present everywhere. I speak, write and think about it. I will share my fear with you. I have major pain issues and my right arm is hurting acutely. I had to go to the doctor, not that I have not been. I prayed, chanted and still it predominated my mind.

Guess what I did?

I put a steel bowl in the microwave. Fortunately, it did not explode as I smelt the smoke. Next, I forgot to turn off the gas. Again, I went into the kitchen soon enough. Third I was in a hurry and I tripped and fell on my back. All because of fear. I know that my responses were not normal, my fears had overtaken me. But still they were niggling me and I did not want to see the doctor. I had continued with my chanting and that is how I was warned every time I had a mishap.

I am writing my daily blog and running my NGO, but it creeps up. I tell myself that this is life. Well, I have learnt from my fear that no one can escape from it and one has to confront it. Which means that we have to accept the fear and be aware of it without letting it take over one’s thoughts. So acknowledge the problem and do the best one can do to view it in a solvable manner.

Examine your own feelings

Recognize the issue and see what you can do. I had a friend, who was undergoing chemotherapy and he would go around in the hospital speaking with other patients who were terrified and listened to their fears.

Dear ones, my favorite image is placing my head at the feet of the Goddess and surrendering to her. You have a choice you can place your head in her lap or at her feet. Just saying her name, makes one aware and free of the fears.

Aim Hrim Klim

Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash

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