The power of Yoga Nidra

Dear ones, I am so proud that the practice of Yoga Nidra is referred to and practiced everywhere. My Guru is regarded as the creator of Yoga Nidra. I just read two quotes and I will share them with you.

The Buddha says,

Visit every part of our body, so we know what is going on in our body. In the same way that we practice being aware of every state of our mind – accepting, understanding then releasing each state that arises – we practice this way with our body, visiting every part with awareness, acceptance, care and without judgement. – Kayagata Sati Sutta, Maijhima Nikaya 119

Here one is addressing awareness. It means that when one is breathing, one is aware that one is breathing. One is mindful and one knows when one is breathing heavily. One is referring to being constantly aware.

In Yoga Nidra we practice rotation of consciousness through the different parts of body, then breath awareness and visualization. One is consistently mindful and it is like watching oneself without participating. This is a state of relaxation.

Quote from Vajrayana Buddhism from Tilopa’s, ‘Song of Maha mudra’

Do naught with the body but relax.
Shut firm the mouth and silent remain;
Empty your mind and think of naught
Like a bamboo rest at ease your body.
Giving not nor taking, put your mind at rest
Maha mudra is like a mind that clings to naught
Thus practicing, in time you will reach Buddhahood.

Tilopa was a Mahsiddha and he practiced a set of spiritual practices which accelerate the process of attaining Buddhahood.

Swamiji is renowned for his creation and teaching of Yoga Nidra. The sadhana of Yoga Nidra encompasses all these practices. The magical part of the sadhana is that no effort is required by the seeker.

I have seen miracles and transformations happening for individuals, who practice Yoga Nidra. We all know that proof of the pudding is in the eating of it.

Aim Hrim Klim


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