The true meaning of visualization

What is the meaning of visualization? The gross meaning is to anticipate, envision or create. There is a spiritual meaning of visualization and that is the practice we are seeking. How can we develop visualization? It is a question asked so many times of Gurus. Yet it is a word used so frequently by us in our daily life. In the context of Yoga sadhana, Swamiji answered this question. Continue reading

The art of Happiness is Empathy

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. – Dalai Lama

Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another. – Alfred Adler

Feel the sentiments of others being like one’s own self. This is what Atmabhava means. It is a Sanskrit word that means the existence or being of one’s self. It is composed of the words atman and bhava. It also means all-encompassing affection, which is sympathy and feeling oneness with others, identifying with their woes. It is a pure form of worship of the Supreme Divine Being, the consciousness or God. Continue reading

What is our understanding of Prana

Swami Niranjananda gives the best explanation. My experience is that every time I read the writings of the Masters, I find that I learn something new or my understanding gains more clarity. My Guru, Swami Satyananda said to me, ‘Be curious, inquisitive and have an open mind.’ I have followed his wise advice and along the path have been finding more and more precious insights, which I can share with you, dear ones. Continue reading

Why are we fearful of fear?

Dear ones, none of us is free from our thoughts? They are the culprits, who build on our feelings and emotions. They are very comfortably sitting on the sofas of our mind. They are chilling out and clapping their hands, when we listen to them and feel worse. What is interesting is that they are in everyone’s minds and they do not need to step out. Continue reading

Break up with Besties

There are two aspects of individual harmony; the harmony between body and soul, and the harmony between individuals. All the tragedy in the world in the individuals and in the multitude, comes from lack of harmony. – Hazrat Inayat Khan

If only all of us could be harmonious in our thoughts and actions, there would be peace and harmony in the world. Continue reading

998 – Our quest for mysticism

Mysticism is the belief that one can experience a direct connection with God, or a unifying principle in life. It can also refer to any altered state of consciousness or ecstasy that has a spiritual or religious meaning. In Hinduism one seeks the union with a higher being and this can be described as a mystical dimension. Continue reading

968 – What is Samadhi?

Samadhi is the awareness already existing in us. Samadhi is absolute equilibrium. The state of samadhi includes all dimensions of awareness, external and internal awareness. They both have to be experienced simultaneously. In the practice of meditation, one transcends the external experience, but one has to reach out to the external consciousness. In samadhi the mind, the self, the spirit becomes homogenous, and for that spirit, for that consciousness, which is samadhi, both internal and external awareness are the same. – Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Dear ones, what is the path for us? Sadhana and becoming aware of the pause between our ingoing and outgoing breath.

Aim Hrim Klim


925 – World Yoga Day

Yoga will emerge as a mighty culture and change the course of world events.

My only request for aspirants is; be constantly aware of the spiritual self beyond the body and mind.

Transform every act of yours into an act of Yoga.

Pain is a cross on which nature hangs a man whenever She wishes to make him a sublime superman.

by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. 1963 Continue reading