857 – Enjoy real life

Abandon all luxuries, go back to transparent and natural living. In order to enjoy real and lasting happiness lead an uncomplicated life. Immortality can only be attained by realizing the Self through plain living, practice of Yoga, self-control, mental discipline and meditation. Sadhana is the way. One has to reach a realm where there is neither light nor darkness, neither easy nor west, neither gain nor loss, a realm which can never be reached either by the mind or the senses. Sincerity in one’s spiritual sadhana, can enable one to evolve quickly. – Swami Sivananda.

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845 – Pursuit of wisdom

How do we perceive wisdom?

The Greek word for wisdom is Sophia and it refers to the intimate understanding of God’s word and his commandments which result in holy and upright living. Spiritual wisdom is being fully present in the moment and being aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Wisdom is the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. Continue reading

833 – Sayings of the Masters

Swami Sivananda

Simple life is a veritable blessing, because it makes one free from cravings and desires, which cause suffering and pain.

Bhakti is a force that will influence our civilization, culture and relationships.

Empty yourself. Tune your radio. Unite your mind. The rest will take place when the proper time is due.

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822 – The power of memory

Memory is the power to retain and recall the information and past experiences. Memory applies to both individual facts and experiences that one recalls as well as the brain’s ability to contain it all. A good memory reinforces one’s perceptions and an unpleasant memory can be very destructive. How does one handle memory? Memories are very important for one and each memory teaches one how to handle the repetition of a hurtful experience. Continue reading

766 – The Creator

  1. As A is of every alphabet the primordial letter
    So is God the world’s very fount and progenitor
  2. Your learning is idle, incomplete
    If you haven’t placed it at that source’s feet
  3. Long lives the ones who embraces the feet
    Of him who graces the Holy Flower’s seat
  4. Those who see he’s from craving free
    Can walk on earth as free as he
  5. Who in god’s praise builds his life
    Protects his home from care and strife
  6. Those who follow him who has conquered the senses five
    Live a long and good life and its trial survive
  7. None may the mind’s great torment meet
    Save in the refuge of his redemptive feet
  8. You cannot at redemption’s shore arrive
    Unless to attain his grace, you strive
  9. Who stands unawed by the versatility of God
    I’d call, I am sorry, a mindless clod
    If you’d cross the sea of birth and death
    Seek at god’s feet his grace’s wealth.

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754 – How do you view love and friendship?

Love and Friendship

Love is like the wild rose briar,
Friendship like the holly–tree
The holly tree is dark, when the rose–briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild–rose briar is sweet in spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till the winter comes again
And who will call the wild–briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose–wreath now
And deck thee with holly’s sheen,
That when December
Blights thy brow
He may still leave the garland green.

By Emily Bronte. Continue reading

751 – Unconditional love

Dear ones, how many of us practice unconditional love? Whom do we remember when we think about unconditional love? Our mothers, family members, relatives? Let me start with Mums, can we think of our mothers with a mean gene in them? Elder sisters, aunts, grannies, teachers and the list can go on. It is surprising that the male relatives do not figure so much on the list. I am not writing to make comparisons but even all our Saints and Gurus remember their mothers. Continue reading

747 – Be regular with your Sadhana

We celebrate the awakening of Vishnu after four months of sleep today. Hindus worship Lord Vishnu and seek his blessings and love. Tulsi leaves and flowers are offered to Vishnu and Lakshmi. Dev Uthani Ekadashi (Ekadashi means eleven as in the eleventh day of two fortnights of the waxing and waning of the moon, in the lunar month) marks the awakening of Lord Vishnu after a four-month period of sleep. On this day, it is possible to get rid of our karmas and seek salvation. We also request Vishnu to grant us a place in his abode—Vaikunth Dham. The mantra chanted is Om Namo Bhagvata Vasudevaya, and the other mantra is the Maha mantra. Continue reading

718 – What are the 5 states of Chitta?

What is Chitta? It means our feelings because they can go either outward to awareness of ego, which creates lower aspects of the mind or inward and upward, to higher consciousness qualities like self-control, devotion and calmness. It is our subjective feelings and emotions which can convert into objective feelings. Continue reading

691 – How to develop our innate potential

How is our potential described? It is awareness, which means evolving and manifestation of what one can accomplish. Individual awareness is powerful and knowledgeable. When one develops this awareness and one becomes conscious of it, then it converts into high powered energy. Continue reading

654 – A Hindu Ashram

Traditionally a Hindu Ashram is where the Guru lives with her/his family. People visit the Ashram to seek guidance and spiritual wisdom. Ashrams were founded as Hindu hermitages or places of seclusion. Ashrams play a very important role in Hindu culture. They are centers of spirituality and self-development and self-awareness. Continue reading