Elephants are friendly, they never forget and are clever. They can find water, because they have no sweat glands. Therefore, it is vital for them to locate the source. They know how to overcome an electric fence. They were used in wars in ancient times as they were like tanks.
They are sensitive and highly protective of their young. When they encounter the skeleton of an elephant, they caress their bones, as if they are mourning its loss. They will hide the newborn one in the herd. If the baby cannot swim, it is buoyed by the trunks of the others across the water.
They self-medicate. They chew the leaves of a plant, which induces labor. However, the destruction of the forests and climate change is reducing their numbers and it is also affecting us.
Now I come to the favorite part. When Shiva chose an elephant head for Ganesha, he did it because of his wisdom, memory, sensitivity, and attachment to its family and Mother Earth. I will add again that the elephant whose head was selected attained moksha.
Dear ones, there is famine and drought in Namibia, and elephants are being culled for food. Pause and think. What are we doing to Mother Earth? Why are not the affluent countries helping?
Aim Hrim Klim