Slowly friend,
Slowly, slowly.
Come to the house where I live.
None is the way
And no light to guide you
Inside or outside, only darkness,
Full of faults from the ages past.
Come to the house where I live.
Walk in the border of darkness,
Autumn, spring, summer, and winter.
You have caught hold of the robe,
Awaken the truth.Slowly, slowly.
Come to the house where I live.
Many are the pitfalls along the way.
Many are the difficulties that you will face.
Blind darkness envelopes you on every side.
Come to the house
Slowly, slowly.
Gone are the sins of the past.
With free and fearless mind
Become the flower of humanity.
Throw your petals of light
To all those need, but
Slowly, slowly.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by Lili Popper on Unsplash