821 – Reflections of Love

O Love, I see Thy glowing face in the gems. I behold Thy shy blush in the blossoms. I am enraptured, hearing Thee warble in the birds. And I dream in ecstasy when my heart embraces Thee in all hearts’ love, I met Thee in all things – only a little and for a while – but in Omnipresence I clasp Thee entirely and forever, and I rejoice in Thy joy evermore.

Love is a golden mansion in which the King of Eternity homes the entire family of creation. And at God’s command, love is a mystic fire that can melt the grossness of the cosmos into the invisible substance of eternal love.

Like a river, love flows continuously through humble, sincere souls; but it bypasses the rocks of egotistic, selfish, sense-bound souls, because it cannot pass through them.

Divine Romance by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

Dear ones, once we become self-aware and self-compassionate, we can understand and absorb the love of the Divinity and feel enveloped in it.

Aim Hrim Klim


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