914 – Anger, greed, confusion, worldly love and lust

Are we free of them? They are very much part and parcel of our lives. These characteristics are blocks in our pursuit of bhakti. I have written about Lust (Kama) in one of my blogs, so I do not want to repeat myself.

Do we get angry every day? What do we get angry about? Does the feeling of anger make us feel better? What happens to our inner self? What about the subject, we are venting our rage on? How can we overcome our anger? It is possible by not reacting and being proactive. Looking at the subject in a neutral manner. It is a process and when we can accomplish it, we find that we have better health. By health, one is addressing the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects. Anger is described as Krodha.

Are we greedy?

Yes, we are. We covet what others have? We want so many things. We must learn to become unattached to material possessions. It is not an easy path. Greed is described as Lobha.

We all suffer from confusion. Our mind is congested with thoughts and dilemmas. We find it difficult to resolve an issue. By learning to quieten the mind it’s possible to reduce the confusion. Confusion is described as Bhrama.

We all pride ourselves on our worldly love. Worldly love means love for family and friends. It covers care and concern. However, when we are chanting, we lapse and think about something concerning a loved one. This is material love, which has to be transformed into universal love. Worldly love can be described as Maya.

I am writing about Kama (lust) last, but desire is an essential part of our lives. When we get obsessed by it, we are governed by it. It has to be balanced.

How do we follow the path of Bhakti?

We have to shed Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Bhrama, and Maya? It is possible by starting the practice of Yoga. Yogic Sadhana means awareness, detachment and concentration. Diligence is essential, and when we start the sadhana, we are influenced in every aspect of our lives.

Dear ones, start in a small way. Count your breath, count backwards and visualize the breath going in and out of your nostrils. Start with 11, 27, 54 and 108. See the difference. Do it several times in the day and see the change in yourself. Do you know what is happening? You are aware of your breath, you are visualizing the process of respiration, and you are concentrating on the counting. Therefore, you are contemplating as you are involved in a neutral activity and your thoughts are quiet. The five traits are neutralized.

Aim Hrim Klim


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