965 – Purify your heart through Seva

How does one do that? Our expectations and attachments become refined. They are not related to our desires, needs and wishes. We feel affection for everyone and our sincere in our awareness. We learn to express ourselves. We do not make resolves but act.

Swami Sivananda said love, serve and give. We start by being self-aware and conscientious about it. It starts with atmabhava, which is to see others as you see yourself. Serve with genuineness, do your best and let your attitude be of joy. Give with generosity and have no expectations from the recipient. I know that this looks very hard to observe. As always one must listen to the voice within and this voice emerges once we learn to balance our prana.

The daily practice of Samvrit pranayama will enable us to be on this path. All we have to do is to be aware of our inhalation, aware of the pause between inhalation and exhalation and the pause which occurs between the exhalation and inhalation.

Aim Hrim Klim

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