The color code in Fengshui and Hinduism

In Fengshui there are four colors which are regarded as powerful. They attract wealth and abundance, and they are purple, deep blues, gold and dark greens.

Purple is associated with spirituality and one’s interior life. It is also associated with material possessions. It is believed that if we feel complete, we will send that energy out into the world and riches will begin to find their way to us. Continue reading

Must I understand about friendship?

We can read as much as we like about friendship and imagine that we have plenty of friends. However, when one is introspective and aware, then does one understand what friendship means. A few famous quotes for you to comprehend the true meaning of friendship. Yoga Sadhana enables us to appreciate what true friendship is.

The only way to have a friend is to be one. Continue reading

The art of Happiness is Empathy

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. – Dalai Lama

Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another. – Alfred Adler

Feel the sentiments of others being like one’s own self. This is what Atmabhava means. It is a Sanskrit word that means the existence or being of one’s self. It is composed of the words atman and bhava. It also means all-encompassing affection, which is sympathy and feeling oneness with others, identifying with their woes. It is a pure form of worship of the Supreme Divine Being, the consciousness or God. Continue reading

War and Atmabhava

The Gita’s understanding of war includes a call to action for virtuous warriors, but also a prescription for the conduct that warriors should exhibit in battle. Call to action is to urge virtuous warriors to fight against vicious opponents.

Conduct in battle as prescribed by the Gita: A balance disposition towards pleasure and pain, gain and loss and victory and defeat. Warriors should be free of passion and hatred and instead exhibit restraint. Continue reading

980 – Do I accept myself?

Swami Satyananda Saraswati said that one must accept oneself as one was. ‘An important step in yoga is to accept your nature as much as you’re able.’ He spoke a lot on self-acceptance and the reason is that acceptance of self is crucial to yoga and tantra. Tantra is called the way to acceptance. Continue reading

978 – Make the lotus in my heart bloom

Hridaya Kamalam Kolam (lotus in the heart) is a hand drawn yantra for Goddess Lakshmi. Kolams are ancient symbols meant to be sacred welcoming areas for the Hindu deities. Kolam means beauty and are identified by their geometrical patterns, dots, curves and lines often marked by the use of white wheat flour. Continue reading

934 – Addiction

What is addiction? It is having an excessive craving. Why is it present in some of us? Is it how we perceive life? Is it because one has no joy in life? Is life meaningless and taking a substance makes one forget our emptiness. Then we are looking at a world which is colorful and crazy. Okay, I am not going into the heavy-duty addictions immediately. Let us start with chocolate, coffee, sweets, different foods, sex, alcohol, smoking and drugs. It is not easy to give up some of these substances. We develop a dependence on them. Continue reading

878 – Love as perceived

Who is a Sufi? A Sufi is a member of an Islamic religious group that attempts to become united with God by living a simple life by praying and meditating and can also be a roaming Dervish. A Dervish is a member of a Muslim religious order (Sufi), noted for devotional exercises. He is one who whirls or dances with abandonment. Continue reading

852 – A daily recognition of Good Friday

How can we remember Good Friday and make the remembrance a part of our regular life. Good Friday is held in commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus. It is believed that the day Christ died, he carried the sins of the world along with him. The crucifixion and death symbolize his sacrifice and forgiveness for all sins. Continue reading

831 – Namaste International Women’s Day


Live in the presence of the Divine Mother. Close your eyes and visualize nature. Nature with her diamond, dazzling stars, the milky way, the flowers, the birds, clouds, mountains, sky – the countless beauties of creation – is the Divine Mother. In nature you behold the divine aspect of God, which is the mother. It is full of human kindness, beauty, gentleness and kindness. The beauty in the world bespeaks the creative motherly instinct of God, and when we look upon all good in nature, we experience a feeling of tenderness within us – we can see and feel God as Mother in nature. – Swami Yogananda

Dear ones, all of us love nature and it does not matter whether we are females, males or trans. This love that we experience is maternal love and love which is unconditional. We all have it in us and it has nothing to do with what gender we are. And that is the miracle of God. Continue reading

823 – Blessings to Yoga

Like the rays of the moon the light of Yoga is expanding
All religions, beliefs and sects
Are receiving shelter
Under the kalpataru (wish fulfilling tree) of Yoga.
Towards the evolution of consciousness
Yoga has done unforgettable work.
Yoga will become tomorrow’s culture
And will show
A new way of life for mankind.
Dear ones, ask yourself this question. –

Swami Satyananda Saraswati. 1981.

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