Our 72,000 nadis are the network for the prana. We have three nadis through which we operate as it would be too confusing to try and work with all of them or a few. We choose Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi for awakening the Kundalini and merging of Shiva Shakti.
We address Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati as the most sacred rivers. We believe that whatever flows into the sacred rivers, emerges purified and cleansed.
We must understand that plunging into the sacred rivers or practicing kriya yoga will not necessarily grant us moksha. There is a sadhana to be followed. This sadhana is one of a life of karma yoga and atmabhava. This sadhana enables us to be free of fear and doubts. We are not victims of our thoughts. Karma yoga implies giving our best while tasking. Enjoying our work and being free of expectations. Atmabhava is loving our fellow beings and seeing ourselves in their faces.
The nadis
Ida nadi is associated with the Ganga river. Ida is the left channel of the spine and is associated with the moon, feminine energy and the color blue. It originates at the Mooladhara chakra and ends at the left nostril. It is also known as the Chandra nadi.
Pingala nadi is associated with the Yamuna nadi. Pingala is the right channel of the spine and associated with sun, masculine energy and the color red. It is also known as the Surya nadi and it ends in the right nostril.
Sushumna, the central nadi, is associated with the river Saraswati. It originated in the Himalayas and flowed through Haryana, Punjab and Gujarat, before disappearing around 3000BCE. The Saraswati River was considered the holiest river in the Vedic period.
The Sangam of the three rivers is in Prayagraj. One can recognize the meeting from the green water (Yamuna) and merging of the brown water (Ganga), while the Saraswati joins underground.
The significance of the confluence is that at the Sangam, Brahma performed a grand Yagna for the wellbeing of the cosmos. Bathing at the confluence liberates one from all of one’s sins and one attains moksha.
Let us understand Kriya Yoga. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna exist within us. We must awaken the kundalini, which is resting in the Mooladhara chakra. Ida and Pingala have to be purified and unblocked. When they are unblocked, then Sushumna will flow. Our nadis, chakras, tattvas and koshas are purified and then the supreme Shakti rises in the Sushumna.
Dear ones, our process of self-purification through the cleansing of our thoughts enables us to be on the spiritual path. And our ultimate goal becomes to bathe in the Sangam. Our internal nadis are sacred and we can perform a Sangam at the merging of Shiva and Shakti at Sahasrara.
Aim Hrim Klim