Merging of the Sangam and the union of Shiva Shakti

Our 72,000 nadis are the network for the prana. We have three nadis through which we operate as it would be too confusing to try and work with all of them or a few. We choose Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi for awakening the Kundalini and merging of Shiva Shakti.

We address Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati as the most sacred rivers. We believe that whatever flows into the sacred rivers, emerges purified and cleansed. Continue reading

558 – The dust of the feet

To fulfil our dreams. A visualization of Maha Shakti.

Close your eyes. Sit straight. Chant Aim Hrim Klim three times. Breathe in and out of your left nostril and then breathe in and out of the right nostril. You are clearing the Ida and Pingala nadis. Now breathe in and out of both nostrils so that the Sushumna can flow. Be still. Continue reading

545 – Happy Birthday, Rama

How do we celebrate the birthday of Rama? We do so by dedicating ourselves to the worship of Rama. Chanting the name of Rama, grants us deliverance. Repeating Sri Rama is enough to award us positive energy and awakening of our soul. Our Ida-Pingala nadis are balanced and the Sushumna nadi starts flowing, with saying the name of Rama. Continue reading

484 – Mother and Father

Swami Vivekananda said,

Mother is the first manifestation of power… With the name of mother comes the idea of shakti divine energy and omnipotence, just as the baby believes its mother to be all-powerful, able to do anything. The Divine Mother is the Kundalini sleeping in us; without worshipping her we can never know ourselves.

Who is the father? Continue reading

377 – What has Navratri got to do with breathing?

We all know that we breathe through both our nostrils and that sometimes one nostril is blocked. However, we do not attach too much importance to it. Our doctors say that it could be sinusitis or a deviated septum. Our body has a biorhythm. There is a dyad cycle of hot and cold and this also happens in our breathing. Continue reading

323 – Why should we awaken our kundalini?

Awakening the Kundalini is the prime purpose of our birth. Kundalini is the sleeping and dormant potential force in us. It is situated at the root of the spinal column in the mooladhara chakra. In Tantra, our energy is called Kundalini shakti. Kunda refers to the concave cavity in which the Kundalini, resembling a coiled and sleeping serpent and when it is manifesting itself, it is called Devi. Continue reading

142 – Self-exploration with Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

In these extraordinary times, we are all spending a great deal of time with ourselves. Self-exploration is the process to find out what is invaluable to us by self-introspection. What is right for us, and how do we accept ourselves as we are. We live in the universe which is composed of space, air, fire, water and earth. It is also our composition. Continue reading

105 – The importance of unblocking our left and right nostrils

We require to unblock our left and right nostrils. It is extremely uncomfortable when our nostrils are blocked and we cannot breathe. We breathe through our mouths and it also leads to bad breath. The Ida nadi flows through the left nostril and the pingala nadi flows through the right nostril.

Why is it necessary to unblock the nadis?

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104 – Our understanding of Hatha Yoga

Today when people speak of Hatha Yoga, their understanding is a flexible body and to be able to perform complicated asanas. The actual meaning of Hatha Yoga is to create balance between the body and the mind. Hatha represents the two aspects of within the body and mind. The Surya shakti (solar energy) and Chandra shakti (lunar energy). The solar energy is associated with prana shakti, vital energy, and the lunar energy is associated with chitta shakti, mental energy. Hatha Yoga balances these two energies. We are alive because of these two energies which combine and purify our Prana. Continue reading

013 – Can we control the wind?

How do we control Prana? Can we control the wind?
Attempting to controlling our mind, makes us plunge in a constant war with ourselves. What should we do?

We work on purifying the elements of our body and mind. We attempt to unblock the Ida and Pingala nadi, so that the Sushumna nadi can flow. Once the Sushumna nadi flows, our chakras are unblocked. Continue reading