Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. It is a time to remember the importance of love, faith, generosity and service.
Dear ones, how do we celebrate Christmas? I know that many of us will put up a Christmas tree and decorate it. We will put up stockings for Santa to fill. We will buy gifts for our loved ones and friends. Of course, we do all these lovely things because we enjoy them. I do not want to dampen your ardor.
Ask yourself, what will be my personal contribution to Christmas. May I make some gentle suggestions.
We make resolves in Yoga Nidra, and we stay with them. We are in a state of relaxation and therefore we are very receptive to the resolve. There are many simple resolves, which will also help us.
Why do I get angry? Is it necessary for me to be upset about trivial issues?
So, the resolve would be I will be proactive. When I start becoming proactive, I will find that I am not in a reactive state. I will make a daily chart of how many times; I lose my temper. I will write also what was the trigger.
What is my attitude towards my tasks? How do I view them? Do I feel I have to perform them? I feel that I am not being rewarded for what I do. This applies in all aspects of our life, home and work.
My resolve will be, I will be a Karma Yogi. I will do my best in whatever activity I perform.
Code of conduct
How do I treat other people i.e. family, friends, colleagues, strangers. Do I treat them as I treat myself?
My resolve will be I will practice atmabhava (love for my fellow beings).
Am I generous? Generous means that I am kind and generous to everyone, not just my near and dear ones.
Resolve: I will be generous.
Do I share and serve? Do I volunteer or enable others to better themselves?
Resolve: I will volunteer, serve or help people, who less need assistance.
Dear Ones, please try to follow at least one resolve and you will see that you will enfold the other resolves also.
Aim Hrim Klim