The Great Preserver

Vishnu is revered as the Preserver and the element; water plays a very important role in his life. He is depicted as the cosmic ocean Nara, meaning water. Water was the only thing in existence before the creation of the universe. On account of this, he is known as Narayana, or one who moves on the waters. Vishnu’s Shakti is the sustaining energy because it refers to Vishnu, God of preservation.

A lotus emerged from the water and became the throne for the gods. Then Lord Matsya, Vishnu’s first avatar appeared. The Matsya avatar is a half fish and half human form of Vishnu. He materialized from the water and kept the creation going. He guided Manu, (the first king and law maker) and the Saptarishis (seven sages, who preached the Vedas) to start the creation. Thereafter all creation emerged from the water, and it will go back into water which is called Mahapralaya.

The symbols of Vishnu

Vishnu restores the balance between good and evil. He is the protector of Dharma and the Hindu code of appropriate behavior. Water is flowing from Vishnu’s feet, and the Puranas say that this water is sacred. It symbolizes spiritual purity and the forgiveness of all sins. In Vishnu’s hands, the conch and lotus are held. These symbolize his association with water as a cosmic symbol and as a fertility emblem. The lotus which emerges from Vishnu’s navel represents the earth, while the stalk represents the cosmic mountain, Maha Meru.

The largest number of Hindu worship Vishnu. He is known as the god of compassion and benevolence. He offers protection to his disciples. Prayers to him result in ensuring the help required in troubled times. He is a nurturer for his worshippers as he guides them on his spiritual journeys.

Chant ‘Aum Namo Narayana’ every day and be blessed by Vishnu Bhagwan’s generosity.

Aim Hrim Klim

By Unknown author –  Public Domain


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