What is Vedanta? Chandra explains

Vedanta is considered the most important of the Philosopical Systems of India, both by Western scholars as well as in India itself. Vedanta is the foundation of Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of wisdom. In this short podcast, Chandra Cohen, disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda, Swami Brahmananda and Swami Dayananda, describes the meaning of Vedanta. He mentions Sankara (probably 788-820 C.E.) as the most important Vedanta Philosopher. Chandra explains how Vedanta refers to the Vedas, the most ancient Indian scriptures. Chandra is teaching Vedanta Courses at Yoga Vidya Germany. This short talk is part of interview that Sukadev, founder of Yoga Vidya, conducted with Chandra.


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