985 – Star light, star bright

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish, I wish tonight.

We have always been enchanted by stars. The Phoenicians looked to the sun’s movement across the heaven to tell them their direction. Stars since ancient times are described as forever hope, destiny, heaven and freedom. We also believe that seeing a falling star will fulfill our wishes. One has to wish immediately, because a falling star disappears in seconds. Continue reading

770 – Namaste Surya, Namaste Chandrama

Who does not love the sun and moon? There is a charming story about the sun and moon. A very fragrant flower called ‘Raat ki Rani’ (Queen of the Night), or Night Jasmine, fell in love with the sun, but he ignored her. She was heartbroken and decided that she would only flower at night. Then there is the sunflower is called Suraj Mukhi, which opens and gazes at the sun in the day and closes in the evening. Continue reading

What is Vedanta?

Vedanta is the most important of the Indian Philosopical Systems. It is the basis of Jnana Yoga. Chandra Cohen, disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda, Swami Brahmananda and Swami Dayananda, describes the meaning of Vedanta. He mentions Sankara as the most important Vedanta Philosopher. And he explains how Vedanta refers to the Vedas. Chandra is teaching Vedanta Courses at Yoga Vidya Germany. More talks on Yoga and Vedanta here…


What can students learn in 9-day-Vedanta Courses

Chandra Cohen explains what students can learn in 9-day-Vedanta-Courses. He talks about the syllabus – and what the knowledge will be good for. Chandra teaches 9-day Vedanta Courses in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Usually he uses a Classical Scripture as main text, like Aparoksha Anubhuti, Tattwa Bodha and Atma Bodha of Sankara or the Upanishads .


Who was Sankara? Chandra explains

Sankara is considered the most important of Jnana Yoga Masters and Vedanta Teachers. Until today he is held in highest esteem. Chandra Cohen speaks on the importance of the most important Indian Philosopher and Jnana Yoga Master, Sankara, also called Sankaracharya, sometimes spelled Shankara or Shankaracharya. Sankara lived around 800 C.E. Listen to this talk on life, meaning and teaching of this Advaita Vedanta Master. Chandra is teaching Vedanta Courses at Yoga Vidya Germany and in upstate New Yoga. Chandra is a disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda, Swami Brahmananda and Swami Dayananda. This short podcast episode is taken from an interview at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.


This world is a Dream

What is this world? Does this world exist? Who am I? Is there something like Consciousness? If so, what is Consiousness? What is the difference between the world experienced in waking consciousness and the dream world? Is there a difference? Chandra Cohen, teacher of Advaita Vedanta in the Sankara Tradition, gives answers to these questions. He helps you to become aware that everything is just Consciousness. Chandra is teaching Vedanta Courses at Yoga Vidya Germany and in New York State. He was trained by Swami Vishnu-devananda, Swami Brahmananda and Swami Dayananda.

This podcast is taken from an interview conducted by Sukadev from Yoga Vidya Germany with Chandra during a seminar on Aparoksha Anubhuti.



What is Vedanta? Chandra explains

Vedanta is considered the most important of the Philosopical Systems of India, both by Western scholars as well as in India itself. Vedanta is the foundation of Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of wisdom. In this short podcast, Chandra Cohen, disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda, Swami Brahmananda and Swami Dayananda, describes the meaning of Vedanta. He mentions Sankara (probably 788-820 C.E.) as the most important Vedanta Philosopher. Chandra explains how Vedanta refers to the Vedas, the most ancient Indian scriptures. Chandra is teaching Vedanta Courses at Yoga Vidya Germany. This short talk is part of interview that Sukadev, founder of Yoga Vidya, conducted with Chandra.


Vedanta Story: Indra, Prajapati and Virochana – Chandra speaks

Vedanta is often taught in stories. In this Vedanta Podcast, Chandra Cohen tells his favorite Vedanta story. This story is about the Creator, Prajapati. The King of Gods, Indra, and the King of Demons, Virochana, approached Prajapati, to receive Knowledge. Chandra explains, how Prajapati taught, and how Indra gained the Highest Knowledge, while Virochana remained in ignorance. This story comes from the Upanishads, and was commented by Sankara. Masters like Swami Sivananda, Ramakrishna and Swami Dayananda told this story in many variations. Chandra has a very lively and profound way, to tell this story. And you will get some insight on the main question of life: Who am I? This Vedanta Podcast episode is the first a series of short answers of Chandra to questions posed by Sukadev of Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

