874 – Truth

There are no major differences between God-realization and Yoga. Both paths are the same and, on this path, one has to reach the path through the body. One differentiates saying that the mind and body are separate. Chitta (thought and counter thought), Buddhi (intellect) and Ahamkara (ego) are separate.

From this body to the truth, the technique which can illuminate the path is called Yoga. God himself is the source of the truth and energy. Therefore, all the techniques that are practiced in Yoga, enable one to seek the truth.

And in the last stage of Yoga, one attains spirituality and then there is no difference between spirituality and God. And in the process, one knows oneself and this is Yoga.

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856 – Spiritual Knowledge – Brahma Vidya

What is spiritual knowledge? Who seeks it? We seek it. Animals are not interested in it and that is why they are animals. There would be no difference between man and animals if one lived only to eat and procreate. We must rise from this level and the pursuit of Yoga is the way. We enter the earth as humans after 84 million births. Continue reading

833 – Sayings of the Masters

Swami Sivananda

Simple life is a veritable blessing, because it makes one free from cravings and desires, which cause suffering and pain.

Bhakti is a force that will influence our civilization, culture and relationships.

Empty yourself. Tune your radio. Unite your mind. The rest will take place when the proper time is due.

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823 – Blessings to Yoga

Like the rays of the moon the light of Yoga is expanding
All religions, beliefs and sects
Are receiving shelter
Under the kalpataru (wish fulfilling tree) of Yoga.
Towards the evolution of consciousness
Yoga has done unforgettable work.
Yoga will become tomorrow’s culture
And will show
A new way of life for mankind.
Dear ones, ask yourself this question. –

Swami Satyananda Saraswati. 1981.

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757 – Who is a Hindu?

Dear ones, my eldest granddaughter is writing a story about a boy living in a Hindu family. She is half German and she has been coming to Yoga Vidya since she was two. Her two younger brothers have also been coming. Well, she rang me up and asked me what being a Hindu meant. She associated it with being religious. Continue reading

748 – Invoke Medha

Who is Medha? She is the Vedic goddess presiding over the power of memory and understanding.

How does memory influence us? I read that one should build on the old memories and then one forgets the unpleasant memories. It is possible if it relates to war or other disasters. How can one reduce a traumatic event and build on it? Dear ones, it is possible to accept a traumatic event and not allow it to interfere with the process of daily events. However, one has to work on it, and sometimes it can be life-long. Continue reading

717 – Sankalp and Abhyas

Fasting is a Yogic practice. It reduces the tamasic element in the body. Tamas is the greatest obstacle to meditation. While fasting, one sheds extra weight from the body and gains strength and clarity of mind. One cannot advance in the practice of Meditation, with an unhealthy body and weak mind. Continue reading

679 – Spontaneous meditation

There was once a sannyasin, called Swami Yogeshwar Ananda, who had travelled to all the centers of meditation in India. Last he came to the Sivananda ashram in Rishikesh. He observed the inmates at work and there was never any time for meditation. The sannyasins were working all the time and were joyous in their tasks. After observing the inmates at work for a week, Swami Yogeshwar Ananda went to Swami Sivananda with folded hands and after touching his feet said, “I would like to spend more time with you, but there is no time for sadhana.” Continue reading

645 – Easy as pie

When one is starting the practice of Yoga, one is thinking only about one’s physical well-being. There is so much more to the practice and when one starts one experiences the benefits and realizes the power behind it. The sadhana is better than a sugar rush. It is simple, one learns to be aware, centered and detached, without pressure. It sounds complex but it is easy as a pie. Continue reading

616 – The spell of time

We are all fascinated by time and now it has become so important for us. Let me start with Face Time, Zoom time, Amazon Delivery time and so on. All these times are very important part of our lives, especially Amazon Fresh, which delivers organic vegetables, and you have to give them the time when they can come.

A minute goes by so fearfully quick; you might as well snatch a Bandersnatch! – Lewis Carroll

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568 – Chant with your heart – the original

The practices of Ajapa Japa were given by Swami Satyananda Saraswati in 1963 in Cama Hall, Bombay.

In his talk, he has given six practices for the followers of Yoga. They are simple and easy to follow. What is essential is that the Ajapa Japa sadhana has to be practiced for a month. I have written the sadhana as he gave it and it is simply said by the Guru for all to follow. Continue reading