Christmas carols are sung because it is a way of telling the story of the nativity and the birth of Jesus Christ. It also enables one to express joy and hope. However, when we hear the carolers, we just listen to the carols without registering their actual meaning.
They are joyful hymns and the seven lessons that we can learn from them are:
- Learning begins with listening.
- Humility enhances vision.
- Regret leads to renewal.
- There is joy in starting over.
- We must be present to win.
- Seeking forgiveness is a strength.
- It is never too late to change.
The first Christmas carol was taken from the Luke 2:14:
Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to those to whom his favor rests.
If we can even listen and apply even one of the lessons to our life, we can bring about awareness and love for our brethren and sisteren. Because each one of these lessons lead to end goal of harmony and peace.
Our Gurus have said repeatedly to us be kind, compassionate and generous. The carols say the same thing, be humble and forgiving.
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by David Beale on Unsplash