- Jnana, knowledge or wisdom. Who witnesses everything? Who watches everyone? Who never gets lost in the world of Prakriti (nature)? Who watches the work of Prakriti? Who is never under the spell of Maya (illusion)? Who is an observer possessing Jnana?
- Aishwarya the source of all wealth and prosperity. Who is the source of this? Who bestows this on us?
- Vairagya is non-attachment. Who is not attached to anyone? Who is neutral and unbiased? Who gives attention to all? Who treats everyone as equals? Who has no attachment to anyone?
- Bala (strength) and samarthya (capability): Who is all powerful and can do anything in the universe? Who is the inspirer of all creatures?
- Sampati (wealth), Samrddhi (prosperity) and Dhana (riches). Who grants all this to us? Who makes one free from lack in life?
- Yash (success) and Kirti (glory). Who gives one success and glory.
Tag Archives: glory
926 – A Hymn
Today I remembered a hymn from my childhood. I went to a protestant school and we had assembly every morning. We sang hymns and recited, “Our Father, who art in Heaven.” The hymn I am going to share with you, was one of my favorites. The music teacher played the piano, and in senior school, we could select the hymns. Continue reading
650 – Water, water everywhere
And not a drop to drink.
Water, water everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water everywhere
Nor any drop to drink. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
510 – A Dharani prayer
What is the real meaning of a Dharani prayer, which says,
Rupam dehi Jayam dehi, yaso devi dvisso Jahi.
O devi please grant me (spiritual) beauty, (spiritual) victory, (spiritual) glory and please destroy my inner enemies. Continue reading
456 – Why do we sing Christmas carols?
Christmas carols are sung because it is a way of telling the story of the nativity and the birth of Jesus Christ. It also enables one to express joy and hope. However, when we hear the carolers, we just listen to the carols without registering their actual meaning.
They are joyful hymns and the seven lessons that we can learn from them are: Continue reading