An Artharthi Upasaka is a person who prays to God for any form of wish fulfilment. This category includes money, property, success, progeny, partner or fame. Such a worshipper is seeking something which s/he cannot attain and therefore asks the Divinity for selfish gratification.
However, there are other famous saints, who sang the name of God in love and adoration like Shabari. In such cases the Divinity solved their problems. Their prayers were without motive and described as niskama (desireless). There are also cases where the devotees (Prahlad and Draupadi) sought God’s help from evil and they were delivered from that evil. Here their bhakti is also described as Artharthi.
One has to worship God without expectation. One’s desires are bottomless and then a situation occurs when God helps one and transformation occurs in one’s life. The Srimad Bhagwat says, ‘If you get God’s love, you get everything.’
One wants release from karmas, but one has so much pressure in one’s daily life. One is plunged in compulsions and wishes and one cannot flee from them. Does one think of praying to God daily?
How does one change oneself form being an asker from God? God is all knowing and one has to place faith and trust in him and see him everywhere in everything all around.
The Yogis keep awake by repeating his name,
So do those who are detached from creation.
Those who want to know His hidden movements
Perceive them by repeating his name with the tongue.
When people repeat the name,
Even extreme types of adversities and misfortunes
Are uprooted and they become happy. – Ramcharitmanas
Aim Hrim Klim