What is perfection? Perfection is to be without flaws. It is a state in which everything is correct.
Are we perfect?
Yes, we are my dear ones. We have been created by the cosmic Mother and when we are born, there is no imperfection in us. We follow examples set by our parents, our teachers, our mentors and our Gurus. It is important for us to understand that those of us who are in the role of parent, partner, teacher, friend, boss and Guru to set an example.
Once we are aware of this position, we tread a path, which is straight. It is not necessarily complex, but we pursue what is kind, right, truthful and empathetic. We imitate others. Look around you, celebrities like singers, actors, dancers, politicians, Gurus have fans, followers and groupies.
Next question. Are all the persons we follow have perfect health?
The definition is not a gym toned perfect body. It is having these qualities which result by setting examples.
Perfect health is sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, peace, endurance, perseverance, calm, self-control which are all things that are taught infinitely better by setting examples than by beautiful speeches. – Sri Aurobindo
There are all these qualities mentioned by Sri Aurobindo. Take anyone of these traits.
12 qualities by Sri Aurobindo
- Sincerity is a virtue. It we are consistent in what we do, we are genuine.
- Honesty is again a trait and practiced always, can never let us down.
- Straightforwardness means that we are not pretending or being devious.
- Courage means to be fearless.
- Disinterestedness is not thinking of oneself, but being neutral and genuine.
- Unselfishness is thinking about others and not oneself first.
- Patience is practicing tolerance and restraint.
- Peace is to remain calm.
- Endurance is to have courage, capacity and vitality.
- Calm is to be tolerant and unphased.
- Self-control is to hold oneself in check.
If we embrace even one of these traits and reinforce them by constant awareness, we will have perfect health. Each trait is like a Sankalp which enables one to be a balanced person.
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by Andreea Popa on Unsplash