What does Santosha mean? Santosha means contentment. It is to be happy, wherever we are, with whatever we have. Santosha also means letting go of one’s desires.
Ask yourself if it is possible for you to be santusht (satisfied).
Being dissatisfied, is when one is constantly unhappy and disgruntled with one’s environment, one’s friends and one’s family and generally in large with society. One is always wanting and feeling deprived.
Vedanta teaches that there are four guards to the domain of liberation: peace, contentment, satsang and self-enquiry.
There is a Sufi saying that either you complain or you want God. If you want God, you do not complain.
The practice
Be nonjudgemental.
Be in non-complainant mode, when performing Karma Yoga. Karma Yoga is applied to all the tasks we do. Our attitude remains one of serenity.
Outcome: harmony and equanimity.
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by Atanas Teodosiev on Unsplash