Rage is an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or something. Tranquility is a state of freedom from storm or disturbance. How does one keep a balance? There is only one way, which is being aware of one’s breath. What does this do for one? Does it banish one’s rage, one’s turmoil in one’s mind? It does.
There is a method which enables one to be in a state of equanimity. It is called Anuloma Viloma. It can be practiced by persons of all ages.
Anuloma Viloma sadhana
Close eyes. Sit comfortably and try not to move. Visualize the breath flowing in and out of the left nostril. This is the Ida Nadi. One is clearing one’s left nostril. It works on the parasympathetic system. Breathe in and out 27 times. Switch to the right nostril. Breathe in and out of the right nostril, 27 times. This is the Pingala Nadi. It works on the sympathetic system. Now visualize the breath going in and out of both nostrils and meeting at the eyebrow center. It is called triangular breathing. Visualize the breathing as if it is a triangle. 108 times one does this. The breath is flowing through the Sushumna nadi and both Ida and Pingala are clear. Outcome is a sense of tranquility.
What has happened here? One is not provoked, one is not reactive, and one is not enraged. Prana one’s subtle breath is flowing through the chakra and Nadis. One is proactive and at peace.
Aim Hrim Klim