
What does samyojana mean? In Sanskrit, it means knots which are within us and these knots have to be opened. They are chains which bind us spiritually.

Knot 1. Cravings

Our cravings rule us and we will go to any length to fulfill our desires. We imagine that we will feel satisfied and replete. However, we have to examine the source and then we can get over it.

Knot 2. Anger

We have no peace when anger overwhelms us. How do overcome it? We practice breath awareness.

Knot 3. Ignorance

We cannot discriminate between right and wrong. We are consumed with distrust.

Knot 4. Complexes

We are complicated people, but our ego takes over and we either undermine ourselves or imagine that we are superior beings. We look at ourselves and compare ourselves with others.

Knot 5. Doubts

We are riddled with doubts. They engage with other self-doubts. We lose our balance.

Knot 6. Our body

We think that our body is us and that it will remain so.

Knot 7. Attachment

We are attached to our habits, our views and rituals.

Now these samyojana have to be opened. It is possible with the practice of pratyahara (sensory withdrawal). The sadhana is Shavasana with breath awareness.

Shavasana with breath awareness

Lie down. Close eyes. Be still. Hands by the side of the body, palms facing upwards. This is Shavasana. Be aware of the breath. Be aware of the inhalation and exhalation. When you inhale, visualize the stomach expanding, when you exhale visualize the stomach contracting. Count breath backwards after five minutes. 54 rounds.

What has happened here? You are lying in shava asana. You have minimum contact with the floor. Your senses are also quietened. Your eyes are closed. You are visualizing your breath rising and falling. You are concentrating on the breathing by counting. You are in the process of unravelling your knots.

Aim Hrim Klim

Photo by Manuel Sardo on Unsplash

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