Shaivite Tradition

Shaivism is an ancient form Hinduism that focuses on the worship of Shiva. The term has been derived from the Sanskrit word Shiva, which refers to the Lord of destruction and transformation. Shaivites are devotees, who venerate Shiva and accept him as the Supreme God. They believe that he is responsible for creation, protection and destruction. He is portrayed as representing a fierce destroyer, an innocent, a granter of boons and a loving and compassionate husband. Shaivites strive to achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death by living a life focused on Shiva and chanting mantras and hymns dedicated to him.

What is the origin of the Shaivite tradition?

In the beginning there was the Hiranyagarbha (golden womb), which was in the shape of a lotus. The word Hiranyagarbha is mentioned in the Vedas. When the lotus bloomed, Brahma was in it. He saw a vision of Ardhanareshwara, that is Shiva himself as half woman, half man. He was then inspired to create Srishti (creation of the universe). From the man, he created Manu (mind born son) and from the woman he created Shatarupa (daughter of the creator). They were the first man and woman, and their descendants are known as mankind. In another version, Shiva divided himself into Shiva and Shakti. From Shiva arose men (Nar) and from Shakti arose women (Mada).

Shiva is the fulfiller of all boons. One has to chant the mantra, Om Namah Shivaya, with devotion and offer sincere prayers. The mantra purifies the mind, body and soul and then one is aligned to the divine energy of Shiva.

Aim Hrim Klim


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