Surrender of the Ego

How do I surrender my ego? The most precious pearls of wisdom were given by my Guru Swami Satyananda Saraswati. He shares his experience of when he met Swami Sivananda. He felt his overwhelming influence.

It was all encompassing, and he did not have to judge him. He found his judgement suspended and he knew that he had to stay with him. This was his first and last experience with him. His intellect was silenced and his heart was open and bare. He did not exercise his reasoning. He surrendered himself to the Master. Surrender means surrender of ego and intellect and one cannot do it on one’s own. It is the most difficult part of one’s being.

Renunciation is when you give up what you enjoy and cherish. Swamiji wrote this poem on Renunciation. He was infused with Swami Sivananda’s spirit.

With nothing on the body,
And with nothing on my hands,
Let me roam on the banks of the Ganga
With the name of Shiva on my lips
And the thought of Devi and Durga in my mind
Let me not even know I exist,
And when I die, I will not know that I am dying.

Swami Sivananda spent his day immersed in his mantra. When he was leaving the body, a disciple asked him give his last message. He took a pen and wrote, ‘God is real, all else is unreal.’

Aim Hrim Klim


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