In all faiths numbers play a role. 108, 13, 3, 613, 786, 5, 888, 666 are spiritual numbers.
In my seminars, my students always ask, why is 108 important? In Hinduism 108 is a holy number. An individual breathes 21,600 times in 24 hours. When divided by two, it becomes 10,800 resembling 2 horizons – the north and south poles, emphasizing 108 as basic. The sky is divided into 27 nakshatras, each having four sectors of 30, i.e. 27×4=108. The moon crosses one nakshatra in 54 hours, which if divided into day and night gives 54×2=108.
Hindu rosary beads add up to 108. The significance is 1 stands for Braham, 0 is for universe and 8 is for Maya (worldly illusions). The number 1 is basic, without which nothing develops or multiplies; no. 8 is Maya which keeps growing or diminishing as in table of 8, so Braham decided to remain at a distance from Maya. When Maya combines with Braham and endeavors to become one with Braham then it neither grows nor diminishes as in the table of 9. Braham is the primordial reality that creates, sustains and withdraws the universe. It is also described as the self, within every being, the truth, the reality and the absolute.
13 is considered to be inauspicious. This number is ascribed to Judas, who had betrayed Christ. He was the thirteenth person in the last supper.
3 is universally praised. AUM is a combination of three letters and so is GOD. For Muslims the three-letter word is AMIN – phonetically. For Hindus, 3 represents the holy triumvirate Brahma, and Vishnu and Shiva, and Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati. In Christianity the number 3 represents the Father, Son and Holy Spirits.
The Jews consider 613 a sacred number. Their prayer shawl is woven with 613 threads representing the 613 Torah of their Holy Book. The sum total of 613 is 10 i.e. Brahama because 0 has no value of its own.
In Sikhism the number 5 enjoys reverence; initiation into the Sikh religion is accomplished by 5 Vanis (hymns) and Kirtan is concluded by 5 pauries (a verse made up of 2-10 lines).
The Muslims consider 786 as very sacred in the name of Allah the merciful.
The Christians symbolize Jesus Christ with 888 which stands for completion, justice and fate. The Devil’s number is 666.
Aim Hrim Klim