Wear a gem for each day of the week

We have nine gems and seven days.

Monday is the first day of the week and it is related to the moon. It was named after the Nordic Mythical person ‘Mani.’

Tuesday is the second day of the week. It is named after Mars, the God of war and the Nordic god Tyr. Tyr is also known as the god of justice and war. Tyr has given his name to Tuesday.

Wednesday is the third day of the week. It is named after the Roman god, Mercury and Odin, the Norse god. He is associated with luck, war, wisdom and rune power.

Thursday is the fourth day of the week originated from the name of the Nordic god, Thor and Jupiter. Thor means thunder and is also connected with lightning. He is considered the weather God and is believed to have fought the trolls and giants. He is considered reliable and aggressive.

Friday is the fifth day of the week and the goddess Freya gave her name to Friday. Freya was ruled by the planet Venus and she was perceived as the goddess of marriage. She is also a protector and helper in the traditional women’s crafts.

Saturday is the sixth day of the week and it was referred to as Laugardagr in the Norse days. Laug means bath or hot water. So, one can think of Saturday as being the day for bathing with hot water. In Latin this day was named after Saturn.

Sunday is the seventh day of the week and named after the Norse goddess, Sol. Sol means sun; therefore, it is the day of the sun.

Let me add some more wisdom for the week.

Monday, is the day associated with the moon, and one could wear a pearl today.
Tuesday is associated with Mars and one can wear a red coral.
Wednesday is associated with Mercury and one can wear an emerald.
Thursday is associated with Jupiter and one can wear a yellow sapphire.
Friday is associated with Venus and one can wear a diamond.
Saturday is associated with Saturn and one can wear a sapphire.
Sunday is associated with Surya and one can wear a ruby.

Rahu is the North Lunar Lode, and is also known as the head of the dragon. The gem worn is Hessonite.
Ketu is known as the South Lunar Node and is known as the tail of the dragon. The gem worn is cat’s eye.

If one wears the nine gems then one will have wealth, health and wellbeing, healing powers and harmony in one’s life.

Aim Hrim Klim


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