458 – Promise yourself to remain well

It is a sweeping statement. However, it is possible. Our body is made up of five basic elements – the panch tattva. The five fingers of our hands are regarded as representative symbols of the panch tattvas.

It has been found that positioning of the fingers maintained a natural order and healthy distribution of energy. The thumb corresponds to balancing the flow of Agni (fire), the index finger corresponds to akasha (ether), the ring finger corresponds to Prithvi (earth), and the small finger corresponds to Jal (water).

The middle, ring and little finger represent the three qualities of our nature. The middle finger symbolizes Sattwa (purity, wisdom and true understanding). The ring finger represents rajas (action, passion and movement). The little finger embodies tamas (inertia, lethargy, and darkness). These three states have to be transcended from tamas to rajas to sattva in order to pass from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge and self-awareness. The index finger represents the ego, and the individual manifestation of consciousness (jivatma). The thumb signifies the all-pervading reality (parmatma).

There are wellness points on the finger tips, a relationship exists between prana and the chi energy of oriental acupuncture. These are meridians of chi (energy related to prana in the nadis), which have their terminal points (sei or well points) on the finger tips. The wellness point of the lung meridian is located on the thumbs. The large intestine meridian on the tips of the index fingers. The heart constrictor vessel on the tip of the middle fingers. The triple heater meridian which creates, regulates and sustains warmth for air, food and temperature is on the tips of the ring finger and the heart and small intestines wellness points are on the little finger.

Vyana Mudra Pranayama

Practice Vyana mudra pranayama which is placing the tips of the thumb, index, middle, ring and small finger together. All the elements are invoked. The wellness points of the lungs, large intestine, heart constriction, temperature regulation, small intestine and heart are affected. The concentration is on the prana which engulfs the body and keeps the nadis unblocked. The mantra is Aum Vyanaya Swaha. Here the breathing is inhale to the count of five, hold the breath to the count of five, exhale to the count of five saying Vyanaya Swaha, pause to the count of five. One can also inhale saying Aum and then after a small pause chant Vyanaya Swaha, mentally or aloud. Practice 27 times.

This practice is very simple and it energises and rejuvenates the prana which is enabled to flow in the 72,000 nadis. It removes tiredness and also works on one’s immunity system and removes the fears which collect in our minds.

A joyful state of mind naturally has its good effects on the body which remains healthy. – Rig Veda.

Aim Hrim Klim


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