567 – Chant with your heart – part 6

Soham with Shanmukhi Mudra.

This last stage is the most difficult and requires intense imagination, patience and control over the breathing process. First practice Shanmukhi mudra. Close your ears with the thumbs. Close your eyes with the index fingers, and lips with the ring and little fingers. Take a deep breath in and then close your nostrils with your middle fingers. Continue reading

561 – 3 quick ways of quietening our mind

1. Anuloma Viloma

Become aware of the breath and visualize the prana flowing in and out of the left nostril to the count of 27. Repeat with the right nostril. Now practice with the breath and visualize the prana flowing in and out of both nostrils, to the count of 54. You have unblocked both nostrils and restored the balance between Ida (mental activities) and Pingala (vital activities) nadis. Continue reading

455 – Be warm and well


Parmahamsa Satyananda said,

Man is born with his breath and with his subtle prana, which is the essence of breath, he departs. Breath is man’s soul companion.

Daily practice of Prana Vayu Mudra pranayama will keep you well in the winter season. Prana Vayu mudra pranayama concentrates on the flow of prana in the area above the diaphragm and the throat. In prana Vayu mudra, the mantra used is Om Pranaya Swaha. Continue reading

290 – Collectively let us join our hands in prayer

A simple act like joining our hands in prayer can enable us to restore harmony in the universe. Why are our hands so important? We join our hands in prayer. We gesticulate with our hands. We express ourselves with our hands. We use our hands for eating and wiping our tears. We use our hands all the time. Our hands are centers of prana and the yogic mudras enable us to channelize the prana within ourselves. We use our hands for work and last but not least to express our love and tenderness for others and the earth. Continue reading

104 – Our understanding of Hatha Yoga

Today when people speak of Hatha Yoga, their understanding is a flexible body and to be able to perform complicated asanas. The actual meaning of Hatha Yoga is to create balance between the body and the mind. Hatha represents the two aspects of within the body and mind. The Surya shakti (solar energy) and Chandra shakti (lunar energy). The solar energy is associated with prana shakti, vital energy, and the lunar energy is associated with chitta shakti, mental energy. Hatha Yoga balances these two energies. We are alive because of these two energies which combine and purify our Prana. Continue reading