Why does one sit in a classic meditative pose?

Swami Niranjananda explains the importance of performing sadhana in a classic meditative pose. There is a technique called Yantra pranayama, which is to be practiced in Kaya Sthairyam. I have written about it and there is a YouTube of mine on it. However, dear ones, I will refresh your memory. It is a guided meditation, where one learns to become still and comfortable. Its origin is in Yoga. Kaya Sthairyam is also a wonderful standalone practice. Continue reading

What is our understanding of Prana

Swami Niranjananda gives the best explanation. My experience is that every time I read the writings of the Masters, I find that I learn something new or my understanding gains more clarity. My Guru, Swami Satyananda said to me, ‘Be curious, inquisitive and have an open mind.’ I have followed his wise advice and along the path have been finding more and more precious insights, which I can share with you, dear ones. Continue reading

How to handle hurts and insults?

What happens when one is hurt by a person, whom one cares for? This applies to parents, siblings, relatives and friends. It is extremely hard to dissemble and accept the rudeness or insults. It does not change and even as one grows older and older as in my case and the case of my companions, it remains. Continue reading

Conflict free

Ramanna Maharishi said to Robert Adams. “The only spiritual life you need is not to react.”

Robert Adams was an American Vedanta Teacher. His explanation of what Ramanna Maharishi said was to be calm is the greatest asset in the world. When you are perfectly calm, time stops. There is no time; karma and samskaras stop. Continue reading

857 – Enjoy real life

Abandon all luxuries, go back to transparent and natural living. In order to enjoy real and lasting happiness lead an uncomplicated life. Immortality can only be attained by realizing the Self through plain living, practice of Yoga, self-control, mental discipline and meditation. Sadhana is the way. One has to reach a realm where there is neither light nor darkness, neither easy nor west, neither gain nor loss, a realm which can never be reached either by the mind or the senses. Sincerity in one’s spiritual sadhana, can enable one to evolve quickly. – Swami Sivananda.

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719 – Freedom from what?

True liberation is freedom from attachments, desires and fears. It is the Yogic path which will lead us. The passage to Nirodha, to the state of Samadhi is not an easy voyage. It requires sadhana, self-discipline and wholehearted commitment. The change from tamo guna and rajo guna to sattva guna is a basic step. Continue reading

705 – 365 days of the year practice forgiveness

What I cannot understand is that why should we seek forgiveness and grant forgiveness only on special days. In reality, my dear ones we should be practicing this three hundred and sixty-five days of the year. Forgiveness means different things to different people. It involves an intentional decision to become free of resentment and anger. It also means ridding oneself of hurts and offences. Continue reading

654 – A Hindu Ashram

Traditionally a Hindu Ashram is where the Guru lives with her/his family. People visit the Ashram to seek guidance and spiritual wisdom. Ashrams were founded as Hindu hermitages or places of seclusion. Ashrams play a very important role in Hindu culture. They are centers of spirituality and self-development and self-awareness. Continue reading

645 – Easy as pie

When one is starting the practice of Yoga, one is thinking only about one’s physical well-being. There is so much more to the practice and when one starts one experiences the benefits and realizes the power behind it. The sadhana is better than a sugar rush. It is simple, one learns to be aware, centered and detached, without pressure. It sounds complex but it is easy as a pie. Continue reading

572 – Samskaras

The word samskara comes from the Sanskrit sam (complete or joined together) and kara (action, cause or doing). Samskaras are embedded in the Chitta, known as the subconscious mind. There it continues to be a subliminal action and become a samskara. Samskaras are the subtle impressions of our past actions. Actions which we perform with full awareness are the ones that make the greatest impressions on our mind. Continue reading