When one is starting the practice of Yoga, one is thinking only about one’s physical well-being. There is so much more to the practice and when one starts one experiences the benefits and realizes the power behind it. The sadhana is better than a sugar rush. It is simple, one learns to be aware, centered and detached, without pressure. It sounds complex but it is easy as a pie.
How is it possible to compare Yoga to a pie. The meaning of easy as pie, originates from 19th Century America based on how easy it eats a slice of pie, because it’s so tasty and pleasant. One thinks that it is difficult to practice Yoga. The practice is all encompassing. It affects us physically, mentally and spiritually.
Let me describe the process. One starts with lying in shavasana, flat on one’s back and counts one’s breath backwards from 54 to 0. The breathing is 54 in and 54 out. No errors are to be made or one has to start again from the very beginning. If one has a kind teacher, the teacher may count aloud for the students. However, what happens here is that each one has a different pace. So, there is always dissatisfaction in the class.
The asanas
Next one does a few easy asanas, where one concentrates on the area which will benefit one. Take Tada Asana for example, it works on one’s balance and on one’s spine. One stands on one’s toes and the hands are stretched over one’s head and clasped together. It is a wonderful asana as it works on insomnia and the chakras. Inhaling one performs the asana. One is holding the breath when one is in the classic position. Then exhaling and resuming one’s original position. It is very relaxing and reduces one’s stress.
The next pose is Bhujang Asana, which is the Cobra pose. In this pose one lies on the floor on one’s stomach. One inhales and raises oneself with the help of one’s elbows. One stays in this position, holding one’s breath. Then exhaling one reverts to one’s original position. The concentration point is the spine.
The third asana is Padahastasana. In this one attempts to touch one’s toes without bending one’s knees. Again, there is no forcing and one should only attempt as much one can do. It is a wonderful asana as it strengthens one’s core and improves one’s balance and removes wrinkles from the face, because the blood rushes to the face. In all three asanas, one is aware of the pose, breath and one is visualizing oneself practicing.
The pranayama
Next step is breath awareness. One has a great many choices in the pranayamas. I will suggest a very simple practice called the Samvrit pranayama. It balances one’s prana with the format. It is our normal breathing but we are not aware of the pattern. It is inhaling to the count of five, holding the breath to the count of five, exhaling to the count of five, pausing to the count of five. 27 times without errors.
This basic sadhana works on enabling one to be aware, because one is watching oneself, to concentrate on the counting and visualizing oneself.
I can tell you that it works and you will be looking to eat more pie, my dear ones.
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash