998 – Our quest for mysticism

Mysticism is the belief that one can experience a direct connection with God, or a unifying principle in life. It can also refer to any altered state of consciousness or ecstasy that has a spiritual or religious meaning. In Hinduism one seeks the union with a higher being and this can be described as a mystical dimension.

Many of us are on this path and how do we understand it individuality. Mysticism is a religious belief based on union or communion with a deity or divine being. It allows one to transcend the physical experience and experience enlightenment. It fills one with wonder.

The Bhagavad Gita contains many mystical elements. The Gita states that the purpose of life is to seek and awaken the divinity within one. There are multiple paths to self-realization. They are devotion, dedication to knowledge and action and detachment. Meditation is one of the main purposes of life. One must have faith in the universe and one must engage in service, karma yoga.

Swami Satyananda removed the veil of mysticism that had previously shrouded yoga and presented it as a sign of spiritual development to aspirants all over the world. How is mysticism defined here? Yoga enables Sadhakas to understand with clarity that one gains an understanding of the ultimate truth through Sadhana. Therefore, they develop heightened self-awareness and are in a state of mystical bliss. Then one’s quest for mysticism is fulfilled.

Aim Hrim Klim

Photo by Baatcheet Films on Unsplash

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